
When You Just Don't Understand

This has been a tough week.  We had a funeral for one great-grandmother.  The other great-grandmother suffered a badly shattered broken leg and high risk surgery.  Princess L has been under the weather for three days.  We've had some difficult issues going on in our family.  And just tonight I learned some shocking news that makes me want to shout "Why God?!  It's not fair, God!  What are you thinking, God?" 

For me, when I just don't understand, all I seem to be able to do is cling to that which I know from my experience.  I'm beginning to think, however, that it is the clinging to what I know through experience that is keeping me from growing.  If God were in a nice neat box, and if His plans lined up with mine, and if I were faithful to that which I know I ought to do - perhaps I would understand.  But God cannot be contained, and His plans are beyond understanding, and I can never be faithful enough.  So I am left with my prayers and questions, and instead of clinging to my experience, I will cling to the Truth - the Word of God.  And His promises are new every morning, and His plans are to prosper me (and my family and friends) and not to harm us, and He is the same yesterday as He was today and will be tomorrow.   The LORD giveth, and the LORD taketh away.  Blessed be the LORD!


Our Family for His Glory said...

Such truth-filled words that I needed to read today! I was wondering how you were doing with a funeral & surgery. Praying for you my friend!

Homeschooling6 said...

Continuing to pray for you and your family.