
"Not" Back to School Blog Hop: Day in the Life

After the past week - I don't know that it's fair to say any day is much like the other.  Despite my best efforts, my crew is barely able to keep a schedule.  We are trying hard, however.  This past week really threw us off - with a funeral and with Princess L being sick all week.  But - tomorrow begins another week.  And I have high hopes!

Our schedule really isn't the same every day of the week.  Mondays we will be doing our two family IEW/TOG co-op and Princess M will have ballet.  Wednesdays, Princess E will have her LLC class and we will all have things going on at church in the evening.  Thursdays will be piano lessons for Princesses E, S and L.  Princess S has a mentor that she meets with once every two weeks, and we've not yet set a time in stone for that.  I spent lots of time working on a schedule that we count as our goal - but it is only that - a goal.  If we make half the time frames in any given day - I'd call that a good day!

Here is our general layout for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: (Sorry it's so small - can't get it bigger.  I think if you click the image you can get it enlarged.)

3rd 2011_2012 School Daily Schedule

Not Back to School Blog Hop


Cara said...

I'm always impressed by those who have a spreadsheet of what their day is supposed to look like! Happy "Not" Back to School!

Teacher/Mom said...

That only speaks to my ability to make a spreadsheet - not to my ability to follow a schedule. Just need to make that clear!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing :)