
Kid Funnies - Yet Again

Yesterday, the little two princesses were playing with the 5 year old neighbor boy.  They all decided to put on a play (as that is what my big two princesses were doing with his older sister.)  So the girls went into their rooms to put on costumes and he ran home to get his super hero costume.  For some reason though, he ran back to our house and decided to change in our bathroom rather than just putting it on at home.  After a minute I hear the bathroom door open and he walks out - in his birthday suit.  Princess M came out of her room at just that moment, took one look at him standing there facing her and said, "He has a toe on his butt!"  I think you can gather what she was looking at.  I quickly ushered him back into the bathroom and Princess M ran into Princess L's room and repeated, "(Name withheld to protect the guilty) has a toe on his butt!"  And Princess L looked at her and said, "Now (Princess M), you know you should not make fun of him like that.  You might hurt his feelings!" 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love it! You just never know what kids are going to say.