
TOG Year 4 Week 22

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Finish lesson 24
Math-U-See Delta: Finished the book and took Lesson 30 test, Unit 4 test and final book test.  So now she will get one week off before starting in on Epsilon.
IEW: We did not finish this week, but we are working on our final drafts for lesson 8.
Foundations 1:  Suffix -HOOD
MCT Language Arts:  We will continue to work on The Music of the Hemispheres book next week.
Practice Island: Sentence 35-38
McCrabbs: 36-40
Science:  Our Planet Earth.  We took a week off as Dad came home from work early on our science day.
TOG Yr4 Wk22: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - My Side of the Mountain, 10,000 Days of Thunder, A Dream of Freedom, Mao Zedong's China, Idiot's Guide, Jim Elliot.  Read Aloud - The Story of the World, Volume 4; So Far From the Bamboo Grove.

Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 4 review to Chapter 5.2
Math-U-See Gamma: Finish Lesson 29 and start lesson 30.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, McCrabbs and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk22: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - All the People, The Cold War, Martin Luther King Jr, Nate Saint; The Hardy Boys - The Tower Treasure.  Read Aloud - same as above.

Princess L - K - LG
MFW First Grade: Lessons 34-39.
Math-U-See Primer:  We have a Primer graduate!  We finished this up this week.  I'm a little disgruntled that she is still writing numbers backwards on occasion, but guess it is normal.


She will get one week off and then we will start in on Alpha.  There are some chapters that she is going to fly through.  There are some others we will camp out on.  But I'm determined this time through that she will not move on to the next lesson until she really does have the facts down.  I think I moved her sisters on a little two quickly with a few chapters.

Princess M - PreTOGger
We're going to have a montage of what has kept this little one busy for the last few weeks.  First, it's taken me a while to post these.  Princess L brought a black permanent marker into Princess M's room one day, unbeknownst to me.  So when I put her down for her nap, the marker was on her bed.  This is what happens in my house when girls find markers.


Now, the border that's missing - that was done a long time ago.  She started ripping away at that when she was still in her crib.  But we had decided that once she was old enough to stop doing that, we would simply get a wider border to put over the top.  This presented  new challenge to that idea.  When my other princesses have done things like this in the past, I have never had the wherewithall to remember to snap a picture.  This time I did.  And right after snapping the photo I spent an hour scrubbing it all off with a Magic Eraser.  It took all the marker off the wall paper, but it still remains on the torn border areas.

On any given day, you may find Princess M dressed in one of her many costumes and putting on a show.  Like this.

Putting on a Show

The show of choice these days is the song that she sang for her Sunday School Christmas program.  Here are the words:

Glory Glory Angels Sang  -  On the night when Jesus came
He smiled sweetly on that day  -  Baby Jesus in the hay
Glory to God,  Glory to God, Glory to God
And peace to man on earth

And I finally got it on camera.

1 comment:

Our Family for His Glory said...

Good job, Princess M- on the singing- not the coloring! :) She is such a cutie, & how fun for Princess L to be doing so well with math- don't worry, our girls still write their numbers backwards too!