
TOG Year 4 Week 29

Spring Break!  I don't know who's been looking forward to it more  - the princesses or me!  Of course, like always, I have made several goals for my time during this break.  I have scheduled every type of doctor's appointment imaginable.  And I have big plans to attempt to get about 2/3 of next year's work scheduled in HST+.  Last year I learned a lot of tips to make things go a lot faster. 

This past week we looked at Gerald Ford's presidency.  While I was alive during his presidency, I cannot honestly say I remember it at all.   I was surprised to learn that his name (at birth anyway) was not Gerald but Leslie.  Princess E was appalled that someone gave him a girl's name, until I explained that there were some famous "male" Leslies as well.  We also learned about the end of Mao's reign in China, and we talked about whether Mao's terror was outside of God's control (it was not). 

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Finish lesson 30
Math-U-See Epsilon: Finish lesson 5 and begin lesson 6
IEW: skipped due to illness
Foundations 1:  Finish suffix -ING as a doubler and begin suffix -ER/-OR as an agent of a verb
MCT Language Arts:  This was skipped this week due to illness.
Practice Island: Sentence 65-67
McCrabbs: 71-75
Science:  skipped due to illness
TOG Yr4 Wk29: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Have Space Suit Will Travel; Homeland: The Illustrated History of Israel; Idiot's Guide; Mao Zedong's China; Teresa of Calcutta; 10,000 Days of Thunder.  Read Aloud - The Story of the World, Volume 4, and Red Scarf Girl.

Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 6.9 to Chapter 6 Review
Math-U-See Delta: Finish lesson 4
IEW, MCT Language Arts, McCrabbs and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk29: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - All the People, Countries of the Middle East; The Cold War, James Herriot's Treasury for Children.  Read Aloud - same as above.
Princess S was down and out for several days with low grade fevers, constant croupy coughing and general tiredness.  She spent much time on the couch.  She did manage to finish all of her individual work, but we skipped all of our group work so that she can rest.  After two weeks of missing group work, I have determined that we will be stretching out our group work beyond our TOG work.  The princesses have no idea what schedule I have on paper, so it really won't affect them.  And we'll still be done two weeks before the local public schools.

Princess L - K - LG
MFW First Grade: Lessons 74-78.
Math-U-See Alpha:  Lesson 6 - counting and writing numbers from 0 to 100.  We are still having issues with number reversals.  I'm telling myself not to be concerned.  But there is no rhyme or reason to how she reverses.  She even wrote the number 33 with one three backwards.
Explode the Code Book Two: Lesson 4

Princess M - PreTOGger
This morning, after having her hair done, Princess M looked at herself and said, "I the cutestest!"  And she is the humblestest too!  Princess M is in what I call the jellybean people stage of drawing.  You know, where everyone looks like Larry the cucumber?  She has been giving lots more detail on her pictures now.  They tend to have eyelashes and teeth.  I wish I had one to scan and post, but she gave her recent one to Nanny who was visiting for a few days before her trip to Hawaii. 


Our Family for His Glory said...

I would love to see Princess M's jelly-bean people!! :) They sound a lot like Isaiah's!! And, I promise our girls are still reversing their numbers too... I wish there was some trick! Sorry Princess S is still not feeling well, I'll be praying that your family will be healthy soon!!

Amanda said...

So glad I found your blog. I can't wait to read through it more as I look into possibly switching over to TOG. I was reading a couple posts down about your girls' pencil grips. I have a really funny pencil grip too, and I have never been able to change it. Jada and Ethan so far hold their pencils normally, but we shall see if that continues:)