
TOG Year 4 Week 28

This was another best laid plans week.  Princess S was under the weather a couple of days this week, and running a fever on one of them.  So the first thing we knock off in those situations is our group work.  She was sick again today, so I don't know what this next week will bring either.

We have officially started our last unit of year four!  Wow - where did this year go?  We are coming up on the period of history that I can actually remember and provide my own memories on.  For that I am excited.  I have a few memories from childhood that I want to share with them.  I was looking through a box of stuff my mom saved and then gave to me a few years ago.  One of the things I found was a paper that I wrote for our class newspaper that was written the day after President Reagan was shot.

This week we talked about the Watergate scandal and President Nixon's resignation, and the subsequent pardon by President Ford.  There are lots of lessons in reaping what you sow, and in the power of forgiveness.

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Finish lesson 9
Math-U-See Epsilon: Finish lesson 4 and part of lesson 5
IEW: We finished lesson 10.
Foundations 1:  Finish suffix -ING as a noun and begin suffix -ING as a doubler.
MCT Language Arts:  This was skipped this week due to illness.
Practice Island: Sentence 60-64
McCrabbs: 66-70
Science:  Lesson 16 - Mineral identification.  We borrowed some rock and mineral samples from some friends at church, though we didn't have the ones needed for the worksheet. 
TOG Yr4 Wk28: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Have Space Suit Will Travel; Homeland: The Illustrated History of Israel; A Dream of Freedom; Idiot's Guide; Mao Zedong's China; Teresa of Calcutta; 10,000 Days of Thunder.  Read Aloud - The Story of the World, Volume 4, and Red Scarf Girl.

Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 6.6 to 6.8
Math-U-See Delta: Finish lesson 3 and begin lesson 4. 
IEW, MCT Language Arts, McCrabbs and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk28: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - All the People, Countries of the Middle East, The Cold War, James Herriot's Treasury for Children.  Read Aloud - same as above.

Princess L - K - LG
MFW First Grade: Lessons 70-73.
Math-U-See Alpha:  Lesson 5 - this was the 1+ and +1 facts.  These were a cinch for her and we mostly focused on the word problems.  I'm having her read them herself out loud - double duty lessons - gotta love em!
Explode the Code Book Two: Lesson 3
(She got one day off this past week for her birthday.)

Princess M - PreTOGger
Princess M found a new favorite book this week.  It is one of the many, many books that my mom saved from my childhood and passed on down to us.  It is called Mimi the Merry-Go-Round Cat by Dorothy Haas.  I looked it up on BookFinder.com to see if I could find a link and was shocked to see it listed used for $38 to $52 dollars!  I have a ton of these old books - and now I'm wondering if I'm sitting on a gold mine!  CHA-CHING!  Of course, the emotional attachment to some of these books is worth at least that much.  My mom was very diligent in listing whose book it was, how old we were when we received it and what the occasion was.  So, I will have to hang on to some of them.

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