
TOG Y1r U1 W9

Princess L (PreK)
Letter I
Reading: Inside Outside Upside Down, Inch By Inch, Inspector Hopper, Inch By Inch the Garden Song

Princess S (LG)
Bible: selections from Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua
Climbing to Good English: pgs 123-127
Handwriting: capital W-Z
Literature: free reading
Math U See: Beta continuing column addition lesson 13
SOS Science: finding errors from last weeks test and correcting them
Writing Aids: 5 sentence paragraphs
Reading: Old Testament Days (excerpts), Celebrate (excerpts)

Princess E (UG)
Bible, SOS Science and Handwriting: same as above
Growing with Grammar: 1.9-1.12
Literature: Tirzah pgs. 99-159
Math U See: Gamma Lesson 8
Writing Aids: narrative writing
Reading: What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers (excerpts), Celebrate (excerpts)

This is our last week of Unit One. We will take a two week break and start back with Unit Two on October 20. During the break, I will hopefully be getting together all the things we need for hands on activities. We've really fallen short on those this unit, partially because I didn't gather things before hand, partially because we've had some issues with ADD and irresponsiblilty of the students to not do work they said they've done. Then we've had to implement discipline and extra work, and then the "fun hands on stuff" goes away because there isn't time. It's sad because that is the stuff that they remember, but it's the stuff that is less necessary most of the time. During their two week break, the princesses will be expected to learn double their Awana verses and will be given an extra song or two from their piano teacher. I am looking forward to it as much as they are.

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