
This is so insane - you gotta read it for yourself.

Post moved to here.


Tiffany said...

Sorry to burst your bubble but if you fell for the Obama supports infanticide line then you did indeed fall for a lie. He did not vote no...he voted present.

Please stop spreading misleading unthuths. Is is not Christlike at all. He did not vote present to cop out. There was already a bill in place that protected these babies and required doctors by law to render aid to them. The bill McCain likes to mention was a second bill which was completely redundant except it snuck it a few sneaky words that might undermine Roe versus Wade. Obama was willing to vote yes to protect babies but not to undermine RVW espcecially when the bill wasn’t even needed because a previous bill had partial abortion births already covered.

And…actually voting present is sign of something important. These bills are commonly used to sneak in some language that undermines the platform of the other party or to sneak in some wasteful spending. By voting “present” you basically indicate that you are in favor of the bill but not the “extras” or amendments that were snuck in. It may sound silly to people on the outside but those in the legislature know what is going on. When a bunch of people vote present on your proposed bill they are basically saying we acknowledge it but it needs to be revised before we can say yes. This sends a loud and clear message to the bill sponsors.

McCain is sleazy...he knows everything above to be true and yet he deliberately tries to make people think Obama voted no on this issue. It is an outright LIE.

Teacher/Mom said...

First of all, explain to me which part of an abortion is Christlike? Where in the Bible does Christ say it is okay to kill a baby at any time of their life - in or out of the uterus? Roe V. Wade is an anti-Christian law which came about from a legal case that was based on the lie that a woman was gang r*ped. It has now been proven that she never was, that she lied the whole time.
Second, did you miss the part where Obama's own campaign admitted that he has been misrepresenting his Born Alive vote? You are correct that he voted present on March 30, 2001 to Senate Bill 1095. But then on April 4, 2002 he voted no to Senate Bill 1662 saying that while babies might be aborted alive, it would be a "burden" to a mother's "original decision" to assess and treat them. Then on Senate Bill 1082, it was sent to the committee he chaired. He requested that the wording be identical to the Federal Bill and amended it as such, then voted no on the committee vote and killed it in committee. The words he was so afraid of were amended at his suggestion to the words he wanted. And he still voted no. (And a new bill was needed because babies were still being left to die.) Obama voted no. You cannot change the court documents which are all over the internet. Go to the independent, non-partisian http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/obama_and_infanticide.html to read what they have to say about his votes. Let me copy, since I doubt you'll check it. "The Obama campaign statement says that "Illinois And Federal Born Alive Infant Protection Acts Did Not Include Exactly The Same Language." That's true for the earlier versions that Obama voted against. In the case of SB 1082, as it was amended just before being killed, it’s false."
You, Tiffany, are the one falling for a lie. And Obama is obviously falling for a lie if he, and others, believe that abortion is okay. It is murder - plain and simple.
I will also mention again, that Obama directly implicates John McCain in his ad. John McCain did NOT put out the ad that Obama is criticizing. It was put out by BornAliveTruth.org. But as we've seen, Obama doesn't care about the truth - or about The Truth.

Linda said...

Gianna Jessen survived an abortion. She is alive, but disabled as a result. As far as I'm concerned, she is more than entitled to speak out boldly on the evils of abortion and loudly voice her opposition to killing aborted babies born alive "by accident".

The McCain people didn't do the ad I saw. It was done by another group, so don't call McCain names because of this ad.

Furthermore, if I was an elected official and someone presented me with a bill that required that babies born alive must be given medical care, I would not vote, "Present."