
There's a Snake in My Bed!

So for Christmas, Princess M received one of these.  It's cute and not too loud, which means she can use it around her dad.  She loves it and carries it around under her arm and to bed at night.  Until last night.  Last night around midnight she must have brushed the sensor on Chippy's back and he went off.  All heck broke loose. 

I ran into her room and she was standing on her bed screaming uncontrollably.  I didn't know what she was screaming about at first.  I finally got out of her that there was something moving in her bed.  Even in my half awake state, I quickly determined the culprit was Chippy as I heard him chirping.  I picked him up and moved him over to the other side of the room.  I figured with him gone she would settle back in.  No siree Bob!  Though she acknowledged that the chipmunk was moving, she insisted that what she felt was a snake in her bed.

(Side note - when I was a little kid of four, I used to have reoccurring nightmares that there were snakes in my bed.  My mom would have to come into my room, pull back all my covers, and show me that in fact there were not any snakes in my bed.   So to my mom, I imagine this is a bit of a repayment.)

Finally, after five minutes of cajoling, I removed everything off the bed and laid her down.  She didn't want the covers, lest any snakes climb in under them I suppose, and I figured we were done and I could sleep.  Every hour and a half she started crying about the snake in her bed and I had to go back in there and lay her back down all over again. 

Needless to say, with the lack of sleep, she has now napped for almost three hours on top of an empty bed.  I'm hoping that she doesn't remember the whole incident by bed time.

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