
Getting Political

I know I have a few family members who don't appreciate it when I get political.  But there isn't an option any more.  Our country is broken, and the last chance to fix it is only a few short days away.  Freedom is a gift that was endowed to this country by our forefathers who poured out their lifeblood to ensure it for their children.  It is a gift that is endowed by God to all who believe in His Son, Jesus, as their Savior.  In that sense, it can never be taken away.  However, I, for one, cannot conceive of the country that has been formed in the last decade from the country that God established 234 years ago.  And I refuse to take it any more.  For anyone who reads this, I beg you to get educated on the issues (if you aren't already).  Do not trust in any one source.  Check and double check everything you read, for the deceiver of men has taken over most of the media in this country, save for some radio and internet. 

For those of you not aware of it, there is rampant voter fraud in this country.  In my home state alone, there were 17,000 more votes counted on election day 2008 than there were registered voters.  There were also at least 346+ convicted felons who were not legal to vote, but whose votes were counted in that election anyway.  These were the ones confirmed before the deadline to destroy the ballots was reached.  There is also an ongoing investigation between the states of MN and WI to address many people who voted in both states.  After a much publicized and illogical recounting of votes, Al "Stuart Smalley" Franken was declared the Senator.  In our state, there is not a law requiring a photo id to be shown at the polls.  Some states have a law like that, others do not.  I am asking anyone reading this to please show up at the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd with a photo id in your hand and make sure that the election judges match your photo with you and your records.  Make sure that several others in line see that you are doing it, so that they will do the same.

No matter how this election turns out, our country is in trouble and it will require the sacrifice of many in order to save the republic for our children.  Those who will probably have to make the biggest sacrifice are those who have already sacrificed the most - those from the greatest generation and their children.  As home schoolers, we are able to teach our children the values and principles on which our country was founded: honesty, reverence, hope, thrift, humility, charity, sincerity, moderation, hard work, courage, personal responsibility, and gratitude.  Those values and principles are lost in the public schools today - brainwashed away in the political correctness and progressive bile that fills the teachers unions and Department of "De" Education.  I am grateful that I am but a foreigner to this world, and that my citizenship does not require a vote, or a tax, or a "legal healthcare plan" - but a bathing in the righteousness of my Savior and King, who took my sins to the cross so many years ago.  Let us take the fight to our knees for the wisdom, and to the polls for honor.

1 comment:

Homeschooling6 said...

I like your political post :0) If I could get my political thoughts down I'd write about it too.