
TOG Year 4 Week 4

This week we have continued our study of WWI.  We learned about what life in the trenches was like, and how the new technologies affected the way the war was fought.  We learned about how the new way of fighting meant a much higher death toll.

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
McCrabb: Book A Tests 7-9
Latin For Children Primer A: Review lessons eight (second half) through lesson ten.
IEW: Finished KWO, rough draft and final draft of a paragraph on the Panama Canal.
Math-U-See Delta: Began lesson 22.
MCT Language Arts: Continue reading Grammar Island.  We have almost finished our study of the 8 parts of speech, which is really a review.  One new thing that wasn't properly learned before was the fact that a conjunction must join two similar parts of speech.  IE: two nouns, two verbs, or two adjectives.
Spelling Power: Did placement tests and we will begin tests next week on list H.  We will not be following this as the program suggests, I am really just using the leveled tests for the words.  We are going to be combining this method, with Spelling City, which we've not used but since they LOVE computer games, I figured this would be a place to put those misspelled words instead of writing them.  Anything but write them - writing anything but the bare minimum leaves some of my princesses with a bad attitude.
TOG Yr4 W4:  Timeline; ; Student Activity Pages (SAPs); Accountability and Thinking Questions (AQ/TQ); Reading - The Gift of Music, Anne of Green Gables, Home Run to Heaven: Billy Sunday, The Complete Idiot's Guide to the 20th Century, The Usborne Introduction to the First World War; Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 4, Pollyanna  (We have been listening to this during lunch and dinner.  I found the audio linked on My Audio School which is an awesome site to go to if you have an auditory learner, or one who is a great reader but finds it easier to comprehend when they hear and read at the same time.  I highly recommend it.)

Princess S - 4th Grade - Upper Grammar
McCrabb: Book A Tests 7-9
Growing With Grammar 4 (GWG4): Chapter 1.10 to 1.12
Math-U-See Gamma: Begin lesson 21.  After many exclamations of "I can't do this!" she got the concept down and whizzed through this.  We'll be testing on Monday.
TOG Yr 4 W4: Quizlet vocab; Important People Copywork; SAPs; Read Alouds - same as above; Reading (again - portions each week) - World War One, The Railway Children (with audio again from My Audio School,) Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Songs.  (One of the books that we were to use last week and this week finally came in to the library late today.  We didn't use it the last two weeks.  Instead, I've utilized a method suggested by My Father's World curriculum - book basket.  Often when I go to pick up our books from the library, I go to those sections and grab a few extra books on the topics we are studying.  If I don't assign those books, they will most often be read throughout the week at various times.  Or if there are questions to be answered that they are having a hard time finding, there are additional sources to look to.  We ended up using these a lot the last two weeks.)
Spelling Power:  Placement testing revealed we will begin at level F next week.  I think she will get through this easily, as I think most of her spelling errors were due to it being right before lunch.  But, the extra review won't hurt.  And, as she will be competing with her sisters for candy, the bit of easier words will be an ego booster for her, which she badly needs.
IEW and MCT Language Arts: same as above except she chose to do her IEW paragraph on the Wright Brothers and their first flights.

Princess L - K - Lower Grammar
Winter Promise Advanced K: Studied the letter a and its three sounds;  read "Fat Cat"; handwriting page; -at word family; Explode the Code Book 1 pg i-8; played Concentration with -an, -ap and -at words; began a year long Picture Dictionary project.  We formally discussed the rule of silent e.  This is a rule she knows (thanks to the Leap Frog videos) but we never had really read those words last year.  I'm amazed at how well she is doing with it.
Math-U-See Primer: We continued working on flashcards for 1s and 0s.  We added in the doubles 2+2, 3+3, 4+4 and 5+5.  Her goal is all 39 cards in less than two minutes so that she can have a trip to the prize bag.  We also did lesson 19A to 19E.
TOG Yr 4 W4: Read Alouds - same as above; Reading - Anne of Green Gables (a simpler version than above).  We also read a slew of library books "Just one more time" before they had to be returned.  (I'm sure we'll see most of those books again sometime in the not so distant future.)

Princess M - PreTOGGer
Did some games from Letter of the Week.  We had several things going on this week, so we didn't do anything formal.  There was also some outside playtime in the little pool. Today was much cooler, so outside playtime included warm clothing and mittens.

Finally, we all attended the first meeting of our new co-op in a town near us.  I had to lead the first meeting with the older kids.  We focused on Henry Ford and his assembly line technology and the Wright Brothers and their airplane.  I showed the kids how to fold a paper airplane.  Then the two kids that knew it the best each had three minutes to fold as many planes as they could (each did four and were part way through) in three and a half minutes.  Then we assigned each of the kids one fold.  The got into an assembly line and were given three and a half minutes.  They completed about 27 planes, then took another two minutes to finish the others that were in various stages of completion.  They ended up with 40 some planes.  One boy brought his cookie dough map of WWI, and everyone devoured the battle fields.  We asked some of the pop quiz questions on the presidents, the Titanic and the Panama Canal. I also gave a demonstration of two mini-reports.  One, which was hammed up as much as possible, which was purposely really bad.  The other was in the IEW style of an oral report from a KWO.  Each child will be doing some type of mini-report or project presentation every other week.  Three children will present each week.  The first unit will focus on inventions from the turn of the century through the Depression.  All in all I thought it went quite well.

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