
Kid Funnies (or Exasperations)

So Princess E spent a LONG time on her schoolwork today.  She made some choices yesterday, despite my suggestions to the contrary, that resulted in much work today.  So she was working on her math at 8:30 tonight.  When I told her it was time to move to her room, she argued with me that she needed the white board in our school room in order to finish her math.  She had a new system, she claimed, that was working well for her.  What was her system?  She writes the problem on the white board first and solves it there.  Then, she writes the problem on her scratch paper.  Finally, she writes the answer in her Math-U-See book.  I asked her why she did it that way, as it seemed that it was many extra unnecessary steps.  She said that it was easier to erase off the white board than to use her pencil eraser on scratch paper.  I asked her why it was called scratch paper, then, instead of eraser paper.  I said, "Just scratch it out if you make a mistake."  She looked at me with a completely dumbfounded look and said, "Oh yeah!  I guess that would work wouldn't it."  As my brother would say when we were kids - DUH!

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