Princess L is following in her big sister's footsteps. She has cut her own hair for the third time. This time, she acquired a scissors from her sister's room. Said sister was not to have the scissors in there. It was my kitchen shears, which I'd been looking for for several days, which dear, sweet Princess had taken to her room to wrap presents with. On the 24th, my BIL called and asked if he could stop by to see the girls. He lives out of state but was here for Christmas. Princess L put on one of her shows for him. Then she disappeared as I went into the kitchen to punch down my dough for Cinnamon Rolls. She came back a little later and I thought her hair looked a little funky. Sure enough, it had obviously been cut. It was almost 2pm, and we had Christmas Eve services at 6pm. I needed to have everyone fed, showered and in their Christmas outfits in order to get pictures before leaving at 5:30. Fantastic Sams was open until 3pm. Our babysitter works there. She looked at it and said there were two options, because it was so short on the one side. Either cut the other side to match and leave the back long - a mullet, or a short all over pixie. I choose the pixie. Now, I'll admit she does look cute, but we've been trying to grow her hair out since her last hair cutting experience several months ago.
Fast forward two weeks. The other morning Princess L was downstairs watching Sid the Science Kid with Princess E. All of a sudden Princess L comes racing upstairs. She runs to our craft drawer and runs back downstairs with crayons. She says to me, as she is running past, "I need these to write in my journal. I have so much things to learn!" Later that day, Princess asks me to make her a princess crown out of aluminum foil. I told her I could when I was done with what I was doing. She goes back to her room. Ten minutes later, DH comes into the room, followed by Princess L. "What's in her hair?" I hear him ask. After investigating, I discovered she has covered her hair with school glue in an attempt to glue her self-made crown to her head.
As you can see, my Princesses keep me on my toes. It's never a dull moment around here. Someone is always getting into something. And sometimes, I too am able to laugh.

Ny oh My, some busy little girls you have there! hee Hee glad you can laugh about it now. I now it's frustrating, but her hair looks really cute. :) Thanks for the laugh.
Oh my word - we had one instance of this when my girls were younger - I banned them from scissors for 2 years. Thankfully we haven't had any repeat performances, but then I have another baby girl on the way telling! Maybe your girls will be hair stylists some day or at least be prepared to cut their children's and husbands' hair when they get married!
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