
TOG Year 1 Weeks 2-3

Short and sweet, because I'm pressed for time, here's our accomplishments over the past two weeks.

Princess L - 1st Grade - LG
IEW-PAL: Writing - I've set the writing part aside for the moment and purchased A Reason for Handwriting First Grade.  We're using the first part of the book to review letter formation and then will move to the one week lesson format.  To be honest, I just needed to add in some seatwork to begin her day with.  I'm usually trying to transition Princess M into a room time after finishing her preschool.  So to begin Princess L with some simple copywork that will keep her in her seat became a necessity.
Reading - We're working through two lessons a day and are up to lesson 20.  These are really review for her, but she needs the review.  I am pretty much convinced she is going to need vision therapy.  Having gone through it before with Princess S, I see all the signs when Princess L is reading.  I added in the All About Spelling portion and she is already at step 10.  I am modifying it slightly in that we do the ten words on the board.  If she gets any of them wrong, then I have her write those words on paper as well.  Then I give her the Reinforcement words to spell on paper.  So far she is doing great.
Math: She finally passed level 2 of Calculadder.  So we will do MUS Alpha lesson 7 (+2, 2+) and move to Calculadder level 3.  I added these to her flashcard stack at the end of last year, so while she has seen them, it takes her quite a while to get the answers correct.  But I have seen some improvement over the last five weeks.
TOG Yr 1 Wk 2-3:  Aside from the cookie dough maps, this has really fallen by the wayside.  It takes so much time to do school that I just don't have the energy to do these with her.  When we began TOG four years ago, Princess S was in 2nd grade.  We were doing the same level as Princess L, but Princess S was reading so much better.  She would read all the books on her own - even the ones I had told her we were going to do as read alouds.  Princess L is just not able to read any of these on her own.  I'm trying not to fret over it and will just do what I can.  She is listening to the Story of the World on CD with us over lunch, as well as listening to all the Bible readings with us in our morning Bible time.  I guess that's the important part anyway.

Princess S - 5th Grade - UG

Latin For Children Primer A (LFC-A):  Lesson 3 - She fretted again about noun declensions, claiming to not understand them.  But when she was willing to settle down and listen, she discovered it was quite easy.  Go figure!
Globalmania Geography:  This is our last week with the countries in Asia.
Language Arts
Fix-It Tom Sawyer: Finished through week five.  This last week we added in identifying quality adjectives.  She is finally beginning to understand the difference between to and too. 
Grammar Town:  She is on the home stretch with this book.  She had a fun exercise to complete this week where she had to come up with sentences using the three types of phrases she studied - prepositional phrases, gerund phrases and appositive phrases.  She did amazingly well.
Practice Town:  Both princesses are rocking at the four part sentence analysis!  Too bad they don't seem to be incorporating what they know into their own writing.
McCall-Crabbs Book B:  Done through lesson 10.
Caesar's English One:  She finished lesson 2.
Science - God's Marvelous Works:  She is studying for her first unit test. 
MUS Delta:  Today she aced the lesson 13 test. 
TOG Yr1 Wks 2-3:  These weeks she was learning about the various gods of Egyptian mythology as well as the beliefs about the afterlife.  These are incoporated with a study of the ten plagues that God inflicted a proud Egypt with.  It was interesting to see how they line up. 
Reading: Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (UAW) - excerpts, What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers, Bible - Exodus 19-40, Maia of Thebes, Pepi and the Secret Names

Princess E - 7th Grade - D
Latin For Children Primer B (LFC-B):  Lesson 4 and begin lesson 5.
Globalmania Geography:  Same as above
Language Arts
Fix-It The Frog Prince: Finished through week five.  She is beginning this week to identify one or two of the sentence openers.
The Magic Lens: Finish up section on adjectives.
Practice Town:  Same as above
McCall-Crabbs Book B:  Same as above
The Word Within the Word 1 (WWW1):  She worked on list two and tested on it.  She did a lot better on the analogy section this time.
MUS Epsilon:  Lesson 12 and begin lesson 13.
TOG Yr1 Wks 2-3:  This was to be the first week of her online class, but she ended up missing it.  I must have been reading the time difference wrong since the beginning and she ended up logging in to a Rhetoric Literature class.  She got out after ten minutes.  So she had to listen to a recording of the class.
Reading: Early Times: The Story of Ancient Egypt - excerpts, Science in Ancient Egypt - excerpts, Understanding Jewish Holidays and Customs - excerpts,  The Golden Goblet, Tales of Ancient Egypt, Bible - Exodus 19-40.

1 comment:

Our Family for His Glory said...

It sounds like you've had quite a good start, even with all the things going on with your sweet family over the last few weeks!!
Sending love,