
Princess M Preschool Check In 2

These first five weeks of school have been very hard.  We have had one great-grandmother pass away.  The other great-grandmother broke her leg and had major surgery.  Nanny came to visit for a week and a half.  Princess L was sick for a whole week.  Other various issues have plagued us as well.  So about a week and a half ago, I was feeling extremely discouraged about preschool.  I think it was just another in the litany of spiritual attacks that I have had to weather.  I have been lamenting that she just doesn't seem to be cooperating or getting the idea in many areas.  So I've been contemplating either dropping preschool completely or going with something a bit less structured.  One thing I had been doing is incorporating the letter stories from IEW's PAL curriculum that I'm using with Princess L.  The day after my major frustration hit, Princess M was paging through a workbook and pointed to the letter e.  She said, "Hey it's the toothy letter!"  She then pointed out an i and said, "And that's the sad letter!"  She could even tell me the sounds.  I was amazed.  So, I'm thinking that I just need to loosen up and not expect too much.  She will catch on in her own time.

So, we finished up the letter i this week.  I had figured to be all done with the vowels by now, but since I'm loosening up, I will not be pushing to finish on any schedule.  Here are a few pictures of some things we did.


We made an I iguana.


We made an inchworm.


We made an iguana bag puppet that says - of course - \i\.

We will be starting the letter O next week. 

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