
Plans for 2011/2012 - Princess E

Tonight, Princess S said that she wished school started on Monday!  I wish I'd been recording her, because I can guarantee you that by September 1 she will be quoting the opposite.

Here is the curriculum Princess E will use this year:

Tapestry of Grace DE Year 1:  We are using this for history, literature, church history, and some geography.  I plan to incorporate more narration this year.  Also, she will be doing her history and church history discussions through the Lampstand Learning Center.  I will be having Princess S do some of the D level literature books this year, so she will join us for discussion for those books.  I also am going to attempt to read all the literature books myself before they are assigned.  I've got the first one read already.

Math-U-See Epsilon:  She will continue where she left off, and then move on to Zeta.

Latin for Children Primer B:  I debated whether to move her on to Latin Alive.  But since I have all the other girls behind her, I decided to stick with this series for now.  She will still have time to complete Primer C and all three Latin Alive books.

Apologia General Science:  I have the entire curriculum on a computer CD.  If this doesn't work to do on the computer, then I will be borrowing the book from a friend.  I'm quite nervous about this.  I think it's going to be a lot of work for my non-science minded or interested princess.  But it is important for her to have it.

Globalmania:  As mentioned in my post about Princess S's curriculum, I'm hoping for a better global mind in respect to where things are located in the world.

As I said before, I'm a language arts fiend.  So we have a lot of overlapping, multi-textured stuff going on.  With the MCT, I'm using his level 4 materials over two years, so what's listed may seem a lot, but we're going slow and only doing half the book this year.  As listed in Princess S's curriculum, she will be using Practice Town, McCall-Crabbs Book B, and Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons from IEW, and Fix-It Grammar - though she will be doing The Frog Prince instead of Tom Sawyer.
The Magic Lens Volume One: This is intense but fun grammar.  We'll do the first half of the book this year.
The Word Within the Word Volume One: This vocabulary program should put her in good form for the eventual college required standardized tests.
Essay Voyage: Instead of going with the level four writing (especially since we're doing the IEW writing besides) I am having her do level three.  This is such a rich program that we are going to take it slow and easy.  

That's it for our curriculum tour for the year.  Wouldn't you know it, I've already had to change our daily schedule that I posted earlier as I realized I forgot about piano lesson day.  So I had to make some minor changes.  I put together milk crates for each princess today with their school stuff all nicely squeezed into a crate.  Each has a different color, and they should be able to move the crates around to wherever they end up doing their schoolwork.  I'm also working on cleaning out the school room and when I have it all spruced up I'll post some photos.

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