
Ending the 2010/2011 Year

Today is our last day for this school year.  Princess L finished up on Monday.  We finished the Old Testament in her MFW Bible Reader.  We will probably read this once or twice a week over the summer break and do the notebooking. 

For Princess E and Princess S, it has been a very busy week.  We spent last week and this week focusing on our science and IEW.  We completed our science book - Our Planet Earth - from the God's Design for Heaven and Earth series.  We skipped many of the lengthier experiments but will be building a life-size volcano out of ice cream, crushed oreos and chocolate syrup.  Okay - maybe not life-size - but we will be building a small volcano yet.  It will be an activity we decided to wait to do when Nanny comes to visit sometime next week.  They also finished their IEW writing course - Student Writing Intensive Level A.  It was a lot of writing in a short amount of time, but we got through it.  I debated doing the SICC-A next year.  I decided it was just two pricey for us right now.  So we're going to be doing the Ancient History Writing Lessons to go along with Tapestry of Grace Year One.

Today we are doing our last school activity for the year - our CAT testing.  Princesses L & M are over at a friend's house and we are doing all six tests in one sitting.  Then they are officially on summer break.  More on how we will spend our summer later.


Our Family for His Glory said...

Hooray! Hooray! That volcano sounds like it will be amazing! :)

Gweny said...

Hi, I have just been reading your blog and found some interesting tidbits for my own family!
We will begin Y4 in the fall with one UG son and one D son. I have three other sons (you got all the girls and I got all the boys!!) My oldest two are in college and my 14yr old begins High School in public school.
Anyway, I loved your point about adding more Charlotte Mason ideas. I just purchased a lovely CM style science book from Queen for my youngest and I am really excited about using it!
I also wanted to make a comment about IEW. We did SWI A two years ago in a small co-op and then moved on to SICC A this past year. We really felt it was a repetition of SWI A and wished we had moved on to B (we are doing this with D students) Now we are conflicted about what we should do next year! I would be interested in your comments on Ancient History since we will be in year 1 the following year.
Nice to "meet" you!
Gwen from Philadelphia

Teacher/Mom said...

I will certainly leave comments as to that. I will be teaching a friend's DD who is right in between my two elders. But, she is one who loves to write, so I'm hoping it will spur my two (who love to write their own creative pieces outside of school work) towards better work. My friend is going to take my little two with her youngest and do some type of hands on crafty thing with them during that time frame. In looking over the materials, I am very excited by what I see. Even though we won't have the DVDs, it is my opinion that the steps are broken down into smaller chunks in Ancient History to make it easier to follow along. It doesn't really follow the timeline of TOG, but I've decided that doesn't really matter to me.

Nice to "meet" you too. And have a great summer!