
TOG Year 4 Week 2

This was a bit of a mixed up week for us.  Nanny came to town to attend a funeral, and as anyone knows, it's hard to concentrate when Nanny (our word for my mom) comes to town.  They did pretty good at getting their tasks done and having some time to play.  Also, we made a short trip to the North Shore so our day on Friday was very limited.  There were some things that got skipped this week.

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic

McCrabb: This would be one of the things we skipped this week.  We'll get back on track next week.
Latin For Children Primer A: Review lessons three, four and first part of five.

IEW: we began the first lesson of SWI-A.  This was really a review as we watched the version of Key Word Outlines that comes with TWSS.  We watched the DVD and did one outline.  But that was as much as we fit in.

MCT Language Arts: We started lesson two of Sentence Island.  Then I realized that really, I was supposed to start with Grammar Island.  So I let the Nanny excuse work for the rest of the week.  We'll start Grammar Island on Monday, but I know we'll speed through this grammar review.
TOG Yr4 W1:  Timeline; President Notebook - William Taft; Student Activity Pages (SAPs); Accountability and Thinking Questions (AQ/TQ); Reading - The Gift of Music, The Call of the Wild, With Daring Faith, Bully for you Teddy Roosevelt, The Complete Idiot's Guide to the 20th Century ; Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 4, Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor

Our discussion time got cut short due to having to leave town at 2:30.  I had the best intentions of finishing on Sunday.  Yeah - right!

Princess S - 4th Grade - Upper Grammar
McCrabb: Skipped this week
Growing With Grammar 4 (GWG4): Chapter 1.4 to 1.6
TOG Yr 4 W1: Quizlet vocab; Important People Copywork; SAPs; Read Alounds - same as above; Reading (again - portions each week) - An Age of Extremes, Titanic, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
IEW and MCT Language Arts: same as above

Princess L - K - Lower Grammar
Winter Promise Advanced K: Review letters l,p,s,n,o,j,h and d; study the -ag family and -ab family; practice handwriting letters.

Math-U-See: we reviewed building numbers with the blocks and the various names we gave each of the colored blocks.  Also we began learning how to do flash cards.  More on this in a separate post here.
TOG Yr 4 W1: Read Alouds - same as above; Reading - The Legend of the Teddy Bear, If You Lived in the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake.  The second one we just scanned over and read certain portions.  She doesn't like the pages without pictures, so she gets squirmy and loses focus.

Princess M - PreTOGGer
Spent quality time with Nanny while her sissies were doing their school work.

We will be adding in Math-U-See for the older two princesses next week.  I will do a review with Princess S of her multiplication facts using both flashcards and the online drills at the Math-U-See site.  I will be offering a peanut M&M for each fact she can answer in a three second time slot the first time she gets the card.  And yes, I'm so nice I'm even going to let her review the cards on her own first.  I figured it would be a fun way to get her to do this dreaded task.  I'm not sure what we'll do with Princess E for review.  I may just have her do some online drills this week to see where her weak spots are.

1 comment:

Our Family for His Glory said...

That's one thing I really like about homeschooling- if you don't get to it- you can always catch up the next week!
I like the idea of an M&M treat for each math fact!! Sounds yummy! :)