
TOG Y1r U3 W27

Okay - we're on our last week of Unit Three. Hard to believe. This year has gone very fast - it's 3/4 done. There is a lot more I wish we could have done. We are going to have one Princess evaluated for ADD. I know without a doubt that she has it. We are to the point that something more needs to be done because her education, her sisters' educations and my sanity are starting to suffer. Please pray that this will be the start of some helpful steps. Here's our week:

Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 6.4 through 6.7
Math U See: Gamma - continue online drills for last week - time is getting better and accuracy is getting better
Handwriting, Geography, Vocab, Important People, History
Reading Assignments: Ancient Greece 40 Hands on Activities, What the Bible is All About, Usborne Internet Linked Ancient World, Alexander the Great, The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Jewish Holidays All Year Round
Writing: Working on all final copies of newspaper articles and learning how to layout a newspaper.

Princess S

Growing With Grammar: Lesson 72 to 81
Math U See: Beta finish 28
Reading Assignments: Classical Kids, Ancient Greece, You Wouldn't Want to Be in Alexander's Army
The rest is the same as above.

Princess L
Some Starfall
We'll be getting some more books on CD. She really got hooked on the one we got last week, so thought I'd capitalize on that and get some more.

Princess M
Learning that hard way not to climb up on chairs and tables and stand.

We'll be getting ready for a trip to ND for my Grandmother's 90th birthday. We'll be starting out three week break next week. But it's only a break from our usual studies, not from school altogether as I will be adding our science back into the mix. We will be using Apologia Elementary's Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. I plan to have us all work together for about an hour and a half each day. Nothing like immersion to get us going.


Happy Birthday to Princess L

My little ballerina princess is turning 4! I cannot believe it. She is getting so big. She has the silliest laugh that always makes the whole room light up. She is always a bundle of energy. Yet, she still will settle down if you tell her to pull out a book and snuggle close. She loves to tell us what happened in Cubbies, or Toddler church, or Sunday School, or whatever adventures she has in her room during "nap" time. She loves her friends from church and loves to sing and dance. Happy Birthday Princess L! Mommy loves you!

TOG Y1r U3 W25

This will be another jam packed week. For a good reason though. I get to go to Scrap-N-Stamp! I'm looking forward to getting away and trying my hand at my first digital scrapbook - I've always just done the traditional albums. I get to go with my best high school friend, who I don't get to see enough of these days. So I'm pumped. But I have to leave right after co-op on Friday so we will finish our week on Thursday. Lots to do.

Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Chapter 5 Review through 6.3
Math : last week of multiplication drills - I will let her do some from the website this week and see how she does with that.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, cookie dough "scrolls" with Greek alphabet, prayer letter
Reading assignments: Ancient Greece 40 Hands on Activities (excerpts), Ancient Greek Art, The Librarian Who Measured the World, Usborne (excerpts)
Writing: going through each article previously written to add details where necessary and adding pictures to three articles - either from the internet or hand drawn

Princess S
Growing With Grammar: lessons 65-71 (She worked ahead last week - by accident not on purpose)
MathUSee: Lesson 28 (She also did the test ahead - by accident - but I won't make her go back as she got them all correct)
TOG and Writing: same as above
Reading Assignments: Classical Kids (excerpts), Life in a Greek Trading Port, Ancient Greece, Unwitting Wisdom

Princess L
This little one started on Starfall this week. She already knows all her letters - their names and sounds - but still enjoys the little movies they have. She read the first book their with a little bit of help. I'm mostly just going to let her play around for a few weeks and while we are on our break I'll try to come up with something more concrete using the site and the printouts available.
I am also debating starting on Math U See Primer with her. She loves to play with the blocks. Since the basis of Primer is not memorizing the math facts but just seeing how the numbers work, it might be just up her alley.

Princess M
The littlest princess is working on all four eyeteeth at once. It has left her a little cranky, a little feverish, and sometimes not wanting to eat. But she is a trooper.


TOG Y1r U3 W25

We're stuffing five days into four this week as Nanny is coming on Friday. So here's what's on the docket:

Princess E
Math - another week of multiplication drills. I think this will be the last. I think next week I'll have her log in to the Math-U-See site and do their online drill for about 20 minutes a day, and then plan to move back to Gamma when done with that.
Growing With Grammar - 5.9 - 5.12
Writing - continuing with newspaper writing. This will be our last week of writing articles. Next week we will be revising all of the articles, working on illustrations for some of them. We will put the finishing touches on it and get copies printed out so that we can bring them to ND for Great Grandma's 90th birthday.
TOG work - mapping, vocabulary, important people copy work, making a clay model of a human
Reading Assignments - Ancient Greece: 40 Hands On Activities (excerpts), Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Ancient Greek Art, Pegasus
Handwriting and Prayer letters round out the week.

Princess S
Math U See Beta - lesson 27
Growing With Grammar - lesson 55-64
Reading Assignments - Classical Kids (excerpts), Hour of the Olympics (she's been waiting all year for this to be assigned as she's read it about 8 times already), King Midas and the Golden Touch
TOG work, Handwriting and Prayer letters - same as above.

Princess L
She is enjoying her ballet class on Mondays. She has also been enjoying co-op every other Friday. It was suggested to me to use Starfall, and as soon as our internet on our desktop computer downstairs is back to functioning normaly, I'll be letting her use that. I'm also considering what to do for her next year.