
My Prayer for the Election

Father God,

You are our Creator, our sustainer, our life-giver, our King. You have given us immeasurably more than we can ever imagine. You are always truthful, always just, always faithful and always holy. You are the one with all authority over heaven and earth. Your plan is a good and just plan. You are our all in all.

Our nation is at a crossroads. On one side stands the church – imperfect and sinful that it is – but with many who desire a nation that walks in Your will and Your ways. Many also stand on that side who do not yet know You, but who possess a Spirit-given sense of right and wrong. Many on that side are Jews, Your chosen people, who fear for that fate of Israel. We are sinners in need of a Savior. We confess our apathy, our laziness, our lack of love for our neighbors and those whom You have directed us to love, our idols – money, entertainment, work, position, our homes, our cars, and our power – which we have turned to instead of You. We confess that we, Your church, Your bride, have sullied our reputation and that we have not followed Your great commission in our own country especially. We admit our sins and ask for Your forgiveness. We beseech You to have mercy on us. You command us to repent. You tell us, in Jeremiah 15:19, that “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless words, you will be my spokesman.” Lord we claim that promise of restoration. In 2 Peter 3:9, it says “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Lord we pray for Your patience as we come to repentance.

Lord we thank You for the United States of America. We thank You for the freedoms that we enjoy as its citizens. Lord we thank You for the freedoms of religion and speech. We thank You that we may elect our leaders instead of have leaders thrust upon us by money and power from below. We thank You for the prosperity this country has enjoyed, especially in comparison with most other countries in our world. We thank You that we may worship You in public, that we do not need to fear persecution, and that we are not forced to worship in a manner contrary to our convictions given by You.

Lord, we beseech You for this election. This election is perhaps the most important one so far because there is an attempt to legislate things that Your Word tells us not to do. Lord we pray for the truth about each of the candidates would become evident in today. Lord we know that You already know who the winner will be, and who our next president will be. Lord nothing is a mystery to You. We pray that You would speak directly to the hearts and minds of each voter, that they would know who to vote for and why. Lord I pray that Your will would be for John McCain and Sarah Palin to win this election. I pray that it would be an honest win, and one that doesn’t need to go to the courts to be figured out. I pray that the electoral winner would also be the popular vote winner. I pray that any attempt at voter fraud would be discovered and that only true and legitimate votes would be counted. Should the Obama ticket be Your chosen winner, then Lord I pray that You would send Your Spirit to him post-haste. Lord, he claims to know You, claims he’s given his life to You. But Lord, the fruit that you say will be evident is missing. Therefore, we pray Lord that regardless of this election that You would turn take a hold of his heart and show him who You really are. Lord that he would know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who the One True God is and how You sent Your Son to the cross to die for His sins.

Lord we claim the promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where You said, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Lord we pray for that healing for our land, as regardless of the turnout, it is evident that our nation is deeply divided. We pray for Your Spirit to run across this land and speak calming, soothing words that will heal the anger and hate that have been running rampant. Lord I pray for all the leaders that will be elected that You will direct their steps in the coming years. Lord I pray that you would put in them a desire to seek Your will in all their decisions, and that we in America would uphold them in our prayers.

Thank you, Father God, that we can communicate with You and that You know our hearts. Thank you that You have worked throughout the ages to put into motion Your glorious plan that will ultimately bring You the glory and honor You deserve.

We pray this in Your most holy and precious name.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I just found your blog through "Weekly Reporter", enjoyed what I read! Thanks for sharing!