
Sarah Palin's Pro-Life Speech in PA


Teacher/Mom said...

A comment was left but because the commenter’s blogs are offensive to me and to the majority of the readers of this blog, I’ll post them without the links that would have been left. Here’s the comment:

“I find it odd that some people are more interested in Palin's speeches than on her violations of Alaska's ethics laws. Palin is morally obligated to resign as Alaska's governor.”

To which I would respond with the following:

1) I find it odd that there is so much evidence of Obama’s ethical, moral, and reprehensible associations that the people and the press are purposely and willfully ignoring.
2) I find it odd that there are several facts in this case that are being ignored. For example, the things that Trooper Wooten, specifically, did and threatened to do to the extended Palin family; the things that Monegan did to provoke and harass Gov. Palin; and the emails that show Monegan’s insubordination both during Gov. Palin’s term and prior.
3) I find it odd that people ignore the part of the report that says she was within her legal-right to have him dismissed.

Homeschooling6 said...

I wanted to come by and say thank you for all your post concerning this years elections.

I appreciate the time and effort you put into this. You are truly using your talents that the Lord has given you.

I am not sure if I ever mentioned that I love the layout of your blog. It's so pretty. Love the colors and the ribbon. I like ribbons. LOL.
