
For Unto Us a Child is Born

Merry Christmas from School 4 Princesses!

I have to share a few quick photos.  DH's brother stopped by our house on his way into town from St. Louis.  He brought his dog, Rocky.  The girls just love him!

We have a Santa hat that is traditionally worn by the person who gets to distribute the gifts.  However, when it was time for Princess L to put it on, she couldn't find it.  So she decided to put a Christmas stocking on her head instead.  Isn't she sweet?!

After receiving her gift from her sister (a felt poster with markers from Dollar Tree) Princess M felt the need to give her sister a very sporadic hug.  Since it doesn't happen often, it needed to be captured on film.

I couldn't decide which shot was better for the official shot of the kids all dressed up, so here are the best two.  I'll let you decide for yourself.



May the LORD bless you and your family this Christmas. 

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