We have finished the first unit of year one! I will do a separate post on the Seder meal that had with our friends. The last two weeks we have accomplished the following:
Princess M - PreTOGGler
We finished up the letter U. Here are our U crafts - an umbrella bird puppet and an umbrella.
She also decided to build "a machine" this week - her words.
Princess L - 1st Grade - LG
This little princess is rolling along with IEW PAL reading. We just finished up lesson 63. She is beginning the Discovery portion, which involves decoding ten words on her own and then reading them to me. When she completes all 30 Discovery packs, she will move on to the library. I checked out a whole bunch of books that she can start reading as soon as she moves through Discovery. She really wants to start them, so I have to keep them under wraps for now. She has passed level three in her math drills, and is working on level four. We will be starting back up with Math-U-See in another week. She is almost done with ETC Book 3 as well. With All About Spelling, she has just finished step 15 of level one. But, she is most excited about the fact that she will be starting piano lessons on Thursday.
Princess S - 5th Grade - UG
Princess S is working on lesson 17 in Delta, and is anxious to begin long division. Well, not really, but I'm hoping she is. She has also finished lesson five in Latin, which is the first review chapter. She aced her test to boot. She is halfway through the second unit in science which has her learning about birds. In extra curricular news, she is moving right along in her Ultimate Challange Awana book. She is also excited to have a solo in her worship dance group's performance coming up in November. All the fifth graders got a section of the song to choreograph a solo to.
Princess E - 7th Grade - D
Princess E is enjoying her online class through Tapestry's Lampstand Learning Center. She finished up lesson 15 in Epsilon, though I'm not yet confident she totally understands the concept of reducing fractions. She will do well through much of the worksheet, then suddenly miss a bunch of obvious ones. She has finished lesson 9 in Latin and is beginning the second review. She is beginning module 5 in General Science. On the music front, she is preparing for a piano exam on November 12th. She almost has all four songs memorized. She is also going to be sharing her testimony at youth group coming up in November.
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