
TOG Year 4 Week 11

I'm late in posting about our week 11.  We had a lot going on this weekend and my time was short and focused.  Week 11 focused on learning about the start of the Great Depression - the stock market crash.  We talked about how people were placing their hope and future in the promise of money - often times having used borrowed money to buy the stock.  We talked about some of the parallels that can be seen in America today.  Here is what our week looked like:

Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Test for Lesson 18 - begin Lesson 19
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - I think we're gonna have to camp out here for a while.
IEW: We watched the DVD and then worked on a KWO for lesson six.
Foundations 1:  Work on prefix UN- and suffix -ING.
MCT Language Arts:  We began the Practice Island book and got through the first five sentences.  We also worked on the rest of Sentence Island chapter three.  The princesses seem to really enjoy this series.  I think it has to do with the fact that, really, this is all a review of concepts they've learned before.  But practicing it in workbook form isn't always interesting for them.  These books make it much more fun.  I've noticed, especially with Princess S, that she tends to get more correct answers than when she works on her Growing With Grammar book.
Spelling: We did not get a spelling bee in this week.
Science:  We began reviewing for our unit and final test on our book.
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Our Living Constitution, Gladys Aylward, Our Town.

Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 2 Review to Chapter 3.2
Math-U-See Gamma: Continued work on lesson 24. Yes - still there - still gonna be there next week too.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Great Depression, Gladys Aylward,  Mary Poppins.

Princess L - K - LG
Winter Promise Advanced K: Handwriting practice; Explode the Code - pgs 55-62; Reading - Elk Yelps; word family -ell and -en.
Math-U-See Primer: Lesson 24
Awana Sparks verses: She earned the second green jewel.  She is working on memorizing the books of the New Testament in order.  This might take a few weeks.

Princess M - PreTOGger
Practice being a princess, watching "Monkey Boy" (as she refers to Curious George), getting ready to move into a big girl twin bed, getting ready to turn three.

The Life in the Depression game went over well at co-op, except that two of the boys were home sick.  So the leader of the next meeting asked me to bring it again (since the topic is still the Great Depression) so that everyone can enjoy it again.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese for a Halloween alternative.  Several of our friends from church met us there.  The kids had a blast.  It was Princess M's first time there, except for when she was six months old, and she was ecstatic!  I kept her coin cup with me and she would get one coin from me, run over to one of the rides (probably the carousel), put the coin in herself, hop on and yell for me to look at her and wave.  Two hours of that and she still wanted more.  The older princesses were in it for the tickets, however, and were even willing to do some crazy dances that the guy in the Chuck E. Cheese costume required of them in order to stick both hands in a plastic pumpkin filled with tickets.  Now if someone would just hide the extra candy from me ; D

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