Every year I make a small photo calendar for our relatives. I thought I'd post the photos here. And lest you think I don't notice, I do realize there are only nine photos in the slideshow. I am using three photos that have already been posted. (Yep - this one's for you, Pam.)
Princess L Funnies
While my mom and step dad were here for Thanksgiving, we celebrated Christmas with them. About five years ago, Princess E and Princess S received American Girl dolls for Christmas. A few months after that, my mom called from an antique shop in NC to tell me she had found a Kirsten doll with all of the extra outfits and all the books for $78. It was in excellent condition and she wanted to know if that was a good price. Yes - do not pass go, do not collect $200 - just get the doll! We had decided that it would go to Princess L when she was ready to take care of her. The time had finally come and she received the doll this Christmas. Princess L was very surprised and excited. My mom explained to her that another little girl had loved her and had outgrown her. Quite a while later, Princess L pulled Nanny aside and asked her, in all seriousness, if she would have to give her back to the other little girl who loved her.
TOG Year 4 Weeks 14-15
I will again be posting two weeks worth of assignments. Or rather two weeks of Tapestry assignments. We had Nanny and Papa here from NC for the past week. So I gave them all their TOG work for week 15 on the 19th. I reassigned all their other work over the next three weeks. This way we had time to spend doing more fun things - like making cookies, going shopping, and hanging the quilt my mom made for DH and I on our wedding day in our two story entry way.
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Two weeks of flash cards study on all words from chapters 1-19.
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - Yep - Again. But I think we'll be doing the test real soon.
IEW: We didn't get to this this week as we had an ortho appointment instead.
Foundations 1: Finish suffix -ABLE. Begin UN- + -ABLE.
MCT Language Arts: Read Sentence Island pgs 147-175. Practice Island 14-17.
Spelling: We did not do a spelling bee this week.
Science: We took the end of book test. We will get ready to begin the next book in the series.
TOG Yr4 Wk12-13: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Usborne Intro to the Second World War, The Snow Goose Corrie ten Boom, The Gift of Music.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 3.9 to 3.11
Math-U-See Gamma: We finally had a breakthrough. Princess S admitted that her way was not working. Since her way was a hybrid of the two methods Mr. Steve showed on the video, I figured it would be difficult to switch to either one. So I taught her the way that DH and I learned, and she finally got it. I also let her come up with her own problems as long as they had three digits on the top and two or three on the bottom (and not all zeros or ones). Then I let her check her answers with a calculator. This was great fun for her, as I general do not let them use mine.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Holocaust, Winston Churchill, The Hundred Dresses, Corrie tenBoom.
Princess L - K - LG
We are at a stand still right now. We are focusing on speech therapy right now and the words that she needs to read and say with that. We have virtually stopped Winter Promise for the moment.
Math-U-See Primer: Lesson 26 is throwing us for a loop. She can do just fine if all she has to do is count by 's, but once she has to switch to counting by units, she breaks down. We finally were seeing some good results before we took our break. I figure we will have a small reteaching time the beginning of next week.
Awana Sparks verses: Princess L finished her first book and got her award on Sunday during the service. She is beginning the review book this week.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Princess M went to her first birthday party. Her best friend from church turned three and had a big party. Princess M had a blast! But, she had a hard time understanding that the present that she helped pick out was not hers, but was going to be left at Princess A's house. So sad!
We have three weeks left of unit two. I have a few changes I want to make when we hit the next two units. Specifically, I would like to begin to incorporate some of the WTM ideas of written narrations for Princess S and written outlines for reading for Princess E. I will also begin using MFW First Grade with Princess L. There are some things that I think we missed in switching from MFW to Winter Promise. So since Princess M is waiting in the wings, I decided to purchase a used copy of MFW to fill in the blanks. I will still be using many parts of Winter Promise to supplement (the games are awesome!) but we will not be following them in the order Winter Promise lays out.
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Two weeks of flash cards study on all words from chapters 1-19.
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - Yep - Again. But I think we'll be doing the test real soon.
IEW: We didn't get to this this week as we had an ortho appointment instead.
Foundations 1: Finish suffix -ABLE. Begin UN- + -ABLE.
MCT Language Arts: Read Sentence Island pgs 147-175. Practice Island 14-17.
Spelling: We did not do a spelling bee this week.
Science: We took the end of book test. We will get ready to begin the next book in the series.
TOG Yr4 Wk12-13: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Usborne Intro to the Second World War, The Snow Goose Corrie ten Boom, The Gift of Music.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 3.9 to 3.11
Math-U-See Gamma: We finally had a breakthrough. Princess S admitted that her way was not working. Since her way was a hybrid of the two methods Mr. Steve showed on the video, I figured it would be difficult to switch to either one. So I taught her the way that DH and I learned, and she finally got it. I also let her come up with her own problems as long as they had three digits on the top and two or three on the bottom (and not all zeros or ones). Then I let her check her answers with a calculator. This was great fun for her, as I general do not let them use mine.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Holocaust, Winston Churchill, The Hundred Dresses, Corrie tenBoom.
Princess L - K - LG
We are at a stand still right now. We are focusing on speech therapy right now and the words that she needs to read and say with that. We have virtually stopped Winter Promise for the moment.
Math-U-See Primer: Lesson 26 is throwing us for a loop. She can do just fine if all she has to do is count by 's, but once she has to switch to counting by units, she breaks down. We finally were seeing some good results before we took our break. I figure we will have a small reteaching time the beginning of next week.
Awana Sparks verses: Princess L finished her first book and got her award on Sunday during the service. She is beginning the review book this week.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Princess M went to her first birthday party. Her best friend from church turned three and had a big party. Princess M had a blast! But, she had a hard time understanding that the present that she helped pick out was not hers, but was going to be left at Princess A's house. So sad!
We have three weeks left of unit two. I have a few changes I want to make when we hit the next two units. Specifically, I would like to begin to incorporate some of the WTM ideas of written narrations for Princess S and written outlines for reading for Princess E. I will also begin using MFW First Grade with Princess L. There are some things that I think we missed in switching from MFW to Winter Promise. So since Princess M is waiting in the wings, I decided to purchase a used copy of MFW to fill in the blanks. I will still be using many parts of Winter Promise to supplement (the games are awesome!) but we will not be following them in the order Winter Promise lays out.
TOG Year 4 Weeks 12-13
The last two weeks have been quite rough. I've had to deal with some stinky attitudes, a great amount of disrespect, and some stubborn strong-willed children. They are issues that never seem to go away and get worse in waves. We've also had some outside activities that have taken some time away from our school time. I'll list both weeks together below.
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Finish lesson 10 - Flash card blitz. We're going to go through all the flash cards for the first 19 chapters. We'll set aside the ones that aren't known and study up on those for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping that this will help alleviate some on-going problems with translation.
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - We're still on this lesson. I've printed out lots of worksheets and we will spend even more time next week. Princess E is frustrated and wants to go on, but I told her that until she can get two or less wrong per worksheet, I cannot in good conscience give her the test.
IEW: We did a rough draft and final draft for lesson six. Princess E choose to write on Andrew Jackson.
Foundations 1: Finish suffix -ING. Prefix RE- and begin suffix -ABLE.
MCT Language Arts: Practice Island sentences 6 to 13. We worked on some writing projects for Sentence Island Lesson three. At first they were very reluctant because they thought it sounded difficult, but it turned out to be less difficult and more fun than they thought.
Spelling: We did one spelling bee.
Science: We took the last unit test and have begun a review for the end of book test.
TOG Yr4 Wk12-13: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Usborne Intro to the Second World War, The Red Pony, Corrie ten Boom.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 3.3 to 3.8
Math-U-See Gamma: We finished lesson 24 and moved on to lesson 25. Princess S is insisting on using the method of multiplication that she came up with - which is a hybrid of what Mr. Steve showed. While it works, it is tedious. And she insists on crossing out each number as she uses it. But, some numbers get used more than once, and she cannot read them. Nor can I read them so if she gets it wrong, then I am not able to help her because I cannot read her work. Yet, she persists in doing it this way.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Holocaust, Winston Churchill, Mr. Popper's Penguins.
Princess L - K - LG
We are at a stand still right now. We are focusing on speech therapy right now and the words that she needs to read and say with that. We have virtually stopped Winter Promise for the moment.
Math-U-See Primer: She finished up lesson 24 and did lesson 25. Lesson 26 will have her beginning to tell time.
Awana Sparks verses: New Testament books went faster than I thought. She earned the third red and green jewel and the forth red jewel. I didn't even work with her on those, but since she listens to the CD almost every night, she only needed the reference and the first word and she said them to her leader.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Princess M turned three! She moved into a big girl twin bed. I am putting the crib mattress next to the bed at night, and so far she hasn't fallen out. Experience says that first time falling out won't happen until I move the mattress away - that darn Murphy! She is very excited to be three.
Our co-op participated in preparing meals with Feed My Starving Children. This is the third time we've done this, and it's always a blast! It's amazing to see the before and after photos of what these meals can do for kids with little else to eat. We also prepared meals with our church for the St. Stephen's Men's Shelter. We do this every first Saturday morning of the month and it is a ton of fun! Even Princess M is able to get involved with serving.
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Finish lesson 10 - Flash card blitz. We're going to go through all the flash cards for the first 19 chapters. We'll set aside the ones that aren't known and study up on those for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping that this will help alleviate some on-going problems with translation.
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - We're still on this lesson. I've printed out lots of worksheets and we will spend even more time next week. Princess E is frustrated and wants to go on, but I told her that until she can get two or less wrong per worksheet, I cannot in good conscience give her the test.
IEW: We did a rough draft and final draft for lesson six. Princess E choose to write on Andrew Jackson.
Foundations 1: Finish suffix -ING. Prefix RE- and begin suffix -ABLE.
MCT Language Arts: Practice Island sentences 6 to 13. We worked on some writing projects for Sentence Island Lesson three. At first they were very reluctant because they thought it sounded difficult, but it turned out to be less difficult and more fun than they thought.
Spelling: We did one spelling bee.
Science: We took the last unit test and have begun a review for the end of book test.
TOG Yr4 Wk12-13: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Usborne Intro to the Second World War, The Red Pony, Corrie ten Boom.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 3.3 to 3.8
Math-U-See Gamma: We finished lesson 24 and moved on to lesson 25. Princess S is insisting on using the method of multiplication that she came up with - which is a hybrid of what Mr. Steve showed. While it works, it is tedious. And she insists on crossing out each number as she uses it. But, some numbers get used more than once, and she cannot read them. Nor can I read them so if she gets it wrong, then I am not able to help her because I cannot read her work. Yet, she persists in doing it this way.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Holocaust, Winston Churchill, Mr. Popper's Penguins.
Princess L - K - LG
We are at a stand still right now. We are focusing on speech therapy right now and the words that she needs to read and say with that. We have virtually stopped Winter Promise for the moment.
Math-U-See Primer: She finished up lesson 24 and did lesson 25. Lesson 26 will have her beginning to tell time.
Awana Sparks verses: New Testament books went faster than I thought. She earned the third red and green jewel and the forth red jewel. I didn't even work with her on those, but since she listens to the CD almost every night, she only needed the reference and the first word and she said them to her leader.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Princess M turned three! She moved into a big girl twin bed. I am putting the crib mattress next to the bed at night, and so far she hasn't fallen out. Experience says that first time falling out won't happen until I move the mattress away - that darn Murphy! She is very excited to be three.
Our co-op participated in preparing meals with Feed My Starving Children. This is the third time we've done this, and it's always a blast! It's amazing to see the before and after photos of what these meals can do for kids with little else to eat. We also prepared meals with our church for the St. Stephen's Men's Shelter. We do this every first Saturday morning of the month and it is a ton of fun! Even Princess M is able to get involved with serving.
TOG Year 4 Week 11
I'm late in posting about our week 11. We had a lot going on this weekend and my time was short and focused. Week 11 focused on learning about the start of the Great Depression - the stock market crash. We talked about how people were placing their hope and future in the promise of money - often times having used borrowed money to buy the stock. We talked about some of the parallels that can be seen in America today. Here is what our week looked like:
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Test for Lesson 18 - begin Lesson 19
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - I think we're gonna have to camp out here for a while.
IEW: We watched the DVD and then worked on a KWO for lesson six.
Foundations 1: Work on prefix UN- and suffix -ING.
MCT Language Arts: We began the Practice Island book and got through the first five sentences. We also worked on the rest of Sentence Island chapter three. The princesses seem to really enjoy this series. I think it has to do with the fact that, really, this is all a review of concepts they've learned before. But practicing it in workbook form isn't always interesting for them. These books make it much more fun. I've noticed, especially with Princess S, that she tends to get more correct answers than when she works on her Growing With Grammar book.
Spelling: We did not get a spelling bee in this week.
Science: We began reviewing for our unit and final test on our book.
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Our Living Constitution, Gladys Aylward, Our Town.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 2 Review to Chapter 3.2
Math-U-See Gamma: Continued work on lesson 24. Yes - still there - still gonna be there next week too.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Great Depression, Gladys Aylward, Mary Poppins.
Princess L - K - LG
Winter Promise Advanced K: Handwriting practice; Explode the Code - pgs 55-62; Reading - Elk Yelps; word family -ell and -en.
Math-U-See Primer: Lesson 24
Awana Sparks verses: She earned the second green jewel. She is working on memorizing the books of the New Testament in order. This might take a few weeks.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Practice being a princess, watching "Monkey Boy" (as she refers to Curious George), getting ready to move into a big girl twin bed, getting ready to turn three.
The Life in the Depression game went over well at co-op, except that two of the boys were home sick. So the leader of the next meeting asked me to bring it again (since the topic is still the Great Depression) so that everyone can enjoy it again.
We went to Chuck E. Cheese for a Halloween alternative. Several of our friends from church met us there. The kids had a blast. It was Princess M's first time there, except for when she was six months old, and she was ecstatic! I kept her coin cup with me and she would get one coin from me, run over to one of the rides (probably the carousel), put the coin in herself, hop on and yell for me to look at her and wave. Two hours of that and she still wanted more. The older princesses were in it for the tickets, however, and were even willing to do some crazy dances that the guy in the Chuck E. Cheese costume required of them in order to stick both hands in a plastic pumpkin filled with tickets. Now if someone would just hide the extra candy from me ; D
Princess E - 6th Grade - Dialectic
Latin for Children Primer A: Test for Lesson 18 - begin Lesson 19
Math-U-See Delta: Continue lesson 25 - I think we're gonna have to camp out here for a while.
IEW: We watched the DVD and then worked on a KWO for lesson six.
Foundations 1: Work on prefix UN- and suffix -ING.
MCT Language Arts: We began the Practice Island book and got through the first five sentences. We also worked on the rest of Sentence Island chapter three. The princesses seem to really enjoy this series. I think it has to do with the fact that, really, this is all a review of concepts they've learned before. But practicing it in workbook form isn't always interesting for them. These books make it much more fun. I've noticed, especially with Princess S, that she tends to get more correct answers than when she works on her Growing With Grammar book.
Spelling: We did not get a spelling bee in this week.
Science: We began reviewing for our unit and final test on our book.
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Timeline; SAPs; AQ/TQs; Reading - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Idiot's Guide, Our Living Constitution, Gladys Aylward, Our Town.
Princess S - 4th Grade - UG
Growing With Grammar 4: Chapter 2 Review to Chapter 3.2
Math-U-See Gamma: Continued work on lesson 24. Yes - still there - still gonna be there next week too.
IEW, MCT Language Arts, Spelling and Science: same as above
TOG Yr4 Wk11: Quizlet vocab; important people; SAPs; Reading - War, Peace and All That Jazz, The Great Depression, Gladys Aylward, Mary Poppins.
Princess L - K - LG
Winter Promise Advanced K: Handwriting practice; Explode the Code - pgs 55-62; Reading - Elk Yelps; word family -ell and -en.
Math-U-See Primer: Lesson 24
Awana Sparks verses: She earned the second green jewel. She is working on memorizing the books of the New Testament in order. This might take a few weeks.
Princess M - PreTOGger
Practice being a princess, watching "Monkey Boy" (as she refers to Curious George), getting ready to move into a big girl twin bed, getting ready to turn three.
The Life in the Depression game went over well at co-op, except that two of the boys were home sick. So the leader of the next meeting asked me to bring it again (since the topic is still the Great Depression) so that everyone can enjoy it again.
We went to Chuck E. Cheese for a Halloween alternative. Several of our friends from church met us there. The kids had a blast. It was Princess M's first time there, except for when she was six months old, and she was ecstatic! I kept her coin cup with me and she would get one coin from me, run over to one of the rides (probably the carousel), put the coin in herself, hop on and yell for me to look at her and wave. Two hours of that and she still wanted more. The older princesses were in it for the tickets, however, and were even willing to do some crazy dances that the guy in the Chuck E. Cheese costume required of them in order to stick both hands in a plastic pumpkin filled with tickets. Now if someone would just hide the extra candy from me ; D
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