
Getting Ready - Part One

Well, we're on the countdown for the start of our school year on August 9th.  I cannot believe how fast this summer has slipped away.  I still have a few things left to do, but I'm almost done.  Here is where my list stands so far:
  • Make spreadsheet with library request dates
  • Make and print schedules for everyone
  • Purchase bookshelf for home school room
  • Clean and organize home school room
  • Make copies of phonics games
  • Get MCT books spiral bound
  • Get Latin books put into page protectors
  • Purchase school supplies - pens, pencils, markers, paint, glue, etc.
  • Print TOG SAPs
  • Organize recipes and menus for meal planning (I'm beginning a kids cook night where the older two princesses will help me with a meal, so I want to decide which recipes are simple and easy for them)
  • Make handwriting books out of this year's Awana verses
  • Finish summer unit study on the Civil War
  • Finish summer science chapters on the planets
So as you can see, my work is slowly getting done.  When I finish the home school room organizing, I will get some pictures up.   I've been very blessed to find some of the books that are needed for multiple weeks at Half Price Books - some even in the clearance section!  I also exchanged some books with my former TOG secret sis.  Now I'm getting excited to jump into our study of the Twentieth Century this year, as well as to implement the new things which I feel God has lead us to use this year.  Bring it on!

1 comment:

Our Family for His Glory said...

Wow!! You really have been busy! :)
I'm so glad you stumbled upon our blog... it began as a Mothers' Day gift for our moms & now it is a way that I hope to encourage other moms like us! :)
I LOVE the pictures of your girls. They are beautiful!