
Prayers for Klickas and Ferrises

Got this from Spunky Homeschool.

Two emails from Tina Farewell:

Dear friends,

Bob's in Colorado Springs this week at the HSLDA Leadership Conference...

~ He just called asking for prayer for his dear friend Chris Klicka, who, amazingly, since the sharp downturn in his MS the last couple of months, has been there also. He's been barely intelligible and is, at this moment, was admitted to the hospital, where Bob's been with him praying.

~ Mike Farris is flying home, at this moment, to join his wife Vicky, who is hospitalized and has had a turn for the worse.

Please pray for each of these people and for our nation's Christian homeschool leaders to stand strong against the enemy and to know in their heart of hearts that God is in control!

May Christ's Name be praised!!

Tina Farewell
Bob just called with these very urgent prayer requests….

Pray for

~ Pray for the Klicka children who have just been told to come to the hospital.

~ His blood pressure to go up

~ His temperature to go down

~ For his body to absorb oxygen or he won't last for another few minutes and his children won't get to see him again on this side of Heaven…

As Tracy often writes,

Clinging to the Vine!
Tina Farewell


TOG Year 2 Week 8

This was a very fast week. We didn't really do anything extra to make it that way. It just was. Here was our schedule.

Princess E
Latin - Word Power B3, Lessons 3.1 and 3.2, and Exercise 3.1
Math U See – This week she started Delta. She was very excited as she thinks she is behind her public school friends because she hasn't learned division yet. I think she will pretty much fly through this book. As long as she keeps her numbers lined up that is. She did lesson one this week.
Literature - begin The Door in the Wall
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), The Story of the Crusades, Marco Polo: Overland to China
Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on Marco Polo and his family, and the Khan family.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 1.6-1.8
Math U See - Gamma finish lesson 6, Test on 6, begin lesson 7
Literature - Chanticleer the Fox
TOG and Read Alounds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet Linked Middle Ages (excerpts)

Princess L
Start Lesson Three - /l/ is for leaf
Math U See - Lesson 9 - Place Value. We will probably camp out on this lesson and the next one for a while. Her sisters had some issues with it, so want to make sure she really understands the concept. We are playing some games with the blocks and some color-coded number cards. She has a real hard time writing numbers yet, so I am having her use the number cards instead of always writing the numbers.

Princess M
Working on transitioning from two naps to one. This will be harder on me than her I think. The problem is that she gets herself so tired out by the time naptime comes around. But then she only takes about an hour to 90 minute nap. And that isn't enough to keep her "happy" until bedtime. Nor is it enough time for us to get school in with Princess L on some days. I don't even remember what I did when the other three were making that transition. It all seems a blur!

We did some hands on fun on Friday. When I was a kid, my brother received the game "Crossbows and Catapaults" for his birthday. It was perfect timing because my parents were having a family room built on to our house. We had this huge flat floor to play on. But then they put the carpet in. We had to play on a large piece of plywood after that. We played it for hours. Two Christmases ago, his girlfriend found that game (now renamed Battleground) and got it for him. So we borrowed it to play this week. There are now many new pieces, as well as new rules. We left out lots of the pieces, and played by the rules we used when I was a kid. We tried playing it on the kitchen table at first, but that wasn't big enough. So we moved the table out of there and played on the floor. They had fun building their walls and hiding their flags. There were two catapaults, a crossbow and a cannon to shoot the chips. It was fun. Here are some pictures.


TOG Year 2 Week 7

This week was the start of Awana! This year I have a third year T&T'er, a first year T&T'er and a second year Cubbie. All the girls were excited to back at it. We had a faster week as we tried to get most of our work done by early Friday morning to get in a swimming play day with some other homeschooling friends. They live in an apartment with a really nice pool. Also on Friday, I planned a spur of the moment birthday celebration for a friend and got to GO OUT WITHOUT KIDS! Y'all don't know how good that is unless you are a homeschooling mama.

Princess E
Latin - Vocabulary B, Word Power B1 and B2 and Exercise 2.4 and 2.5
Math U See –Unit 3 Test and Final Test
Literature - finish Robin Hood
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), The Story of the Crusades, Trial and Triumph (excerpts)
Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on the crusades. My princesses are really not into all the war stuff, so we glossed over much of it. We tried to just focus on the fact that these were religious wars that in many respects are still being fought today.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar – Lessons 1.4 and 1.5
Math U See - Gamma Test 5 and start lesson 6
Literature - The Minstrel in the Tower
TOG and Read Alouds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet-Linked Middle Ages (excerpts), Francis: The Poor Man of Assissi

Princess L
Finish Lesson 2 /m/ is for moon. We made the letter M out of Math-U-See blocks. She also did Primer lesson 8.

Princess M
She learned how to say Princess S's name this week, and decided to call her all the time everywhere she went. Princesses S was going a little crazy. It was cute though.


TOG Year 2 Week 6

This last week marked a nice milestone. The public schools opened, which means we no longer have to turn away the neighborhood friend who didn’t “remember” each day that our princesses had school. It also was the first week of high school for my niece. That made me feel older than I’ve felt in a long time. The princesses were motivated to finish their work a little early because we were anticipating a visit from Nanny and Papa – my mom and stepdad. Papa helped them complete their hands on activity for the week – constructing a medieval castle out of boxes and egg cartons. The slideshow is below our list for the week.

Princess E
Latin - Lesson 2.2 and 2.3 and Exercise 2.2 and 2.3
Math U See –Gamma Lesson 30
Literature - start Robin Hood
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), Life in a Medieval Castle, Castle (video)
Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on knights and castles. We learned about the feudal system – which reminded me vaguely of where the American government seems to want us to go again.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar – We started the third grade book this week. Lesson 1.1 and 1.2 (She also worked ahead and did 1.3. Or rather, she was avoiding doing a chore and did it instead.)
Math U See - Gamma finish lesson 5
Literature - The Making of a Knight
TOG and Read Alouds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet-Linked Middle Ages (excerpts), Knight

Princess L
We began lesson 2 – /m/ is for moon. We talked about the moon and how we are like the moon. The moon does not have any light of its own, but reflects the light from the sun. We, as Christians, reflect the light we receive from the Son. I had printed out a moon calendar for her to do with Dad, but as luck would have it the first two nights they weren’t able to see the moon. Maybe we’ll have better luck this week.
Math U See – Primer lesson 7 and number writing practice. Princess L really has a hard time making her numbers. I remind myself that she is only 4, and therefore probably doesn’t have the dexterity yet to make them properly. So we just keep tracing the numbers each week to help cement it in. As long as I can tell what number she means to write on her worksheet, I don’t concern myself that it might be backwards. But she is getting the concepts of the lessons and that is what I think is important.

Princess M
We didn’t work on potty training at all this work. I was spending time cleaning some junk drawers. Instead, there were a few books that for whatever reason struck her fancy this week and we read them over and over and over and over.


TOG Year 2 Week 5

Yep - I'm posting twice in one day. Here's what we've done for week 5. (Since we've been down with the flu I cut out the hands on projects we were possibly going to do. But we've got a bigger one planned for over the holiday weekend and next week. I hope I remember to take pictures.)

Princess E
Latin - Exercise 1.3, Word Power A3, Lesson 2.1 and Exercise 2.1
Math U See - Gamma Lesson 29
Literature - finish Leif the Lucky
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), The Vikings
Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on the vikings. We watched played a cool online game that had them be vikings raiding a monastery on Lindesfarne.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 188 thru Section 8 Review 3
Math U See - Gamma finish lesson 4
Literature - The Tomten
TOG and Read Alouds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet-Linked Middle Ages (excerpts), The Vikings

Princess L
Last three days of Lesson 1 - /s/ is for sun
Reading - Bearshadow
Math U See - Primer Lessons 5 and 6
Cuisenaire Rods Alphabet Book - letter S (This was a little difficult because we used our Math U See blocks instead of Cuisenaire Rods. Didn't want to buy them when they are so similar. The suggested colors didn't match up at all - so we had to use our own. But it was fun.

Princess M
She went "naked" for a few hours this week. She kept running back to the bathroom, would sit on the potty for a few seconds, grab the paper and then flush. She has not yet actually gone on the potty. I'm hoping that will happen soon. Want to get the whole "naked" part of potty training over before winter comes and it gets too cold. I really don't want to push this off until May. It is bittersweet though. As much as I would love to not have the expense or hassle of dealing with diapers, it is a bit sad to think the baby days are really going to be over.

We are planning to make a trip to our state fair on Saturday. We're hoping for nice weather.

TOG Year 2 Week 4

Okay - so I'm a little behind in blogging our weeks. We all had the flu over the last two weeks. And, Princess E got her braces on. Or, should I say the top and part of the bottom. Here's what we did in week five:

Princess E
Latin - Lessons 1.3 to 1.5, Word Power A2
Math U See - Gamma Lesson 28
Literature - finish Tales of King Arthur
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), The Middle Ages (excerpts)
Read Alouds - The Story of the World, Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on the beginnings of feudalism, and the reign of Charlemagne.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 182 to 187
Math U See - Gamma start lesson 4
Literature - The Adventures of King Arthur
TOG and Read Alouds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet-Linked Middle Ages (excerpts)

Princess L
First three days of MFW Kindergarten for Lesson One - /s/ is for sun

Princess M
Starting to watch the infamous potty videos.