
TOG Year 2 Week 5

Yep - I'm posting twice in one day. Here's what we've done for week 5. (Since we've been down with the flu I cut out the hands on projects we were possibly going to do. But we've got a bigger one planned for over the holiday weekend and next week. I hope I remember to take pictures.)

Princess E
Latin - Exercise 1.3, Word Power A3, Lesson 2.1 and Exercise 2.1
Math U See - Gamma Lesson 29
Literature - finish Leif the Lucky
TOG - vocabulary, geography study, important people
Reading - The Story of the Middle Ages (excerpts), The Vikings
Read Alouds - The Story of the World Volume 2 (excerpts), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
This week we focused on the vikings. We watched played a cool online game that had them be vikings raiding a monastery on Lindesfarne.

Princess S
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 188 thru Section 8 Review 3
Math U See - Gamma finish lesson 4
Literature - The Tomten
TOG and Read Alouds - same as above
Reading - Usborne Internet-Linked Middle Ages (excerpts), The Vikings

Princess L
Last three days of Lesson 1 - /s/ is for sun
Reading - Bearshadow
Math U See - Primer Lessons 5 and 6
Cuisenaire Rods Alphabet Book - letter S (This was a little difficult because we used our Math U See blocks instead of Cuisenaire Rods. Didn't want to buy them when they are so similar. The suggested colors didn't match up at all - so we had to use our own. But it was fun.

Princess M
She went "naked" for a few hours this week. She kept running back to the bathroom, would sit on the potty for a few seconds, grab the paper and then flush. She has not yet actually gone on the potty. I'm hoping that will happen soon. Want to get the whole "naked" part of potty training over before winter comes and it gets too cold. I really don't want to push this off until May. It is bittersweet though. As much as I would love to not have the expense or hassle of dealing with diapers, it is a bit sad to think the baby days are really going to be over.

We are planning to make a trip to our state fair on Saturday. We're hoping for nice weather.

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