
Finishing the year - Princesses L and M

There is much to do with these two princesses. Nothing really for now - but lots of planning for the summer and the next school year. I have some ideas of some summer activities for Princess L to do. But I'm not sure what to do with Princess M. She has officially entered the beginning stages of the terrible twos. She has started showing her will to do things on her own. She has picked up several bad habits from her sisters. I'm going to have to spend more time working with her. I plan to have a rotation this summer, when we aren't doing science that is, where the older princesses will spend time with one of the littler princesses and then have them switch. (I'm seriously considering a rule that they will not be allowed to play with the neighborhood kids until 2pm. And at that time it will have to be outside as Princess M will have to take her nap. They aren't going to like it and I'll hear how I'm the meanest mom in the world. Then I'll just grin and say, "Then I must be doing something right!")

Princess L will get to go to VBS again this year, but is very disappointed that it won't be the same exact program. She's been practicing last year's songs. I told her she would get to learn new ones, but she still likes the old ones. Princess M will be with me in the nursery - unless I get lucky and there aren't any workers that need it.


Bootcamp Burners said...

I would really love to know how you used TOG this year? I am really looking into it for next year. I am torn between TOG and Sonlight. I have done SOTW 1 & 2 and just can not put it together on my own anymore. I want a detailed plan. So your input would be wonderful on how your year went and if you are going to use it again. Thanks so much.

Teacher/Mom said...

Gee, Rhonda - you just gave me my next post. Thanks for the idea of posting this because I'd love to help people interested in TOG. I'll put it through as a separate post, because it's a bit long. I wrote it up for a file on the TOGLooseThreads Yahoo group. Since it's my own file I'd assume there's no copywrite infringement by putting it on my blog. Blessings.