
TOG Y1R U4 Week 29

This week should, potentially, be an easier week. The older two princesses are in the final stretch of preparing for their spring piano recital. Princess L is preparing for a ballet performance at a local Christian bookstore, and Princess M is preparing for her four eyeteeth to break through any day now. (Please LORD, let it be any day soon.)

Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 7.1 through 7.4
Math : Test for lesson 1e, lesson 19 and starting lesson 20 if there is time.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), Vacation Under the Volcano

Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lessons 92 through 98
Math: Test for Lesson 29, start lesson 30
TOG: Same as above
Reading assignments: Classical Kids, Who Were the Romans?, Brave Cloelia

Princess L
I am debating starting Math U See Primer with her. She loves to play with the blocks like legos. She also loves to count and color. I just am not sure whether we should start before our six week summer break. Decisions, decisions. I did purchase My Father's World Kindergarten to start with her in the fall. She will only be 4 1/2. I started Princess S at 4 1/2, however, I had one less child to deal with, and less attitude to deal with. So I think I'll spread this out over two years.

Princess M
Same old, same old. Life must be fairly boring for her now as we reach our homestretch.

We will be taking the CAT test soon. I have the tests in my possession, but have to look through them and decide how to administer two of them. This is the first year Princess S has to take it. And with her ADD tendencies, it could make for an interesting ride.

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