Reason #1349 to Homeschool
When all the other schools are closing for fear of the swine flu, you can stay in school, finish the year on time, and protect yourself all at the same time.
TOG Y1R U4 Week 30
I realize it is Thursday and I'm just putting up the week. It's been busy and we've had computer issues - AGAIN! Still waiting for a new hinge and new keyboard for our laptop repair as well.
Princesses E and S have their year end piano recital tomorrow. They have been working hard on their songs, but their teacher is not requiring them to memorize them. They have, but are both going to bring their music up with them anyway. Their teacher does two recitals a year and most of the students perform in the piano festival, so they have plenty of opportunities to have to play their songs by memory.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: lesson 7.5 through 7.8
Math : Lesson 20
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), The Bronze Bow
** Because the library didn't get in the book I had requested for literature, I am doing an experiment with Princess E. The suggested book was a three week assignment. I found another book within the unit that was a three week book for the Dialectic level. I gave her this and told her it would be harder, but that I thought she could handle it. We'll see how it goes. **
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: lesson 99 through 108
Math: Lesson 30 - She finished the book today! Now I need to decide if we simply do some drill sheets to end out the year or whether or not I should actually start her on Gamma, the next level. I'll pray on it over the weekend.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading Assignments: You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Soldier, Classical Kids (excerpts), Portions of Matthew's Gospel.
Princess L
This little one was so excited to be a part of her first Awana Award Ceremony last night. She completed her first book and received a little stuffed Cubbie bear for her uniform vest. She is getting ready for her ballet recital performance on the 16th.
Princess M
Three of her four eyeteeth have officially erupted. I'm hoping this means better nights. She has discovered that jumping is a lot of fun and she spends many hours jumping on the floor, trying to jump on the couch and jumping in her crib if I don't get her out right away. She has also, finally, picked up the signs for Please and Thank you. But, she is also trying to say some words as well. Her oldest sister had a large vocabulary already at this stage, but I'm not worried about it. Her oldest sister also learned how to say NO at an early age and we've had a hard time since. Maybe we'll get a few more months in the NO-free zone.
Princesses E and S have their year end piano recital tomorrow. They have been working hard on their songs, but their teacher is not requiring them to memorize them. They have, but are both going to bring their music up with them anyway. Their teacher does two recitals a year and most of the students perform in the piano festival, so they have plenty of opportunities to have to play their songs by memory.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: lesson 7.5 through 7.8
Math : Lesson 20
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), The Bronze Bow
** Because the library didn't get in the book I had requested for literature, I am doing an experiment with Princess E. The suggested book was a three week assignment. I found another book within the unit that was a three week book for the Dialectic level. I gave her this and told her it would be harder, but that I thought she could handle it. We'll see how it goes. **
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: lesson 99 through 108
Math: Lesson 30 - She finished the book today! Now I need to decide if we simply do some drill sheets to end out the year or whether or not I should actually start her on Gamma, the next level. I'll pray on it over the weekend.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading Assignments: You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Soldier, Classical Kids (excerpts), Portions of Matthew's Gospel.
Princess L
This little one was so excited to be a part of her first Awana Award Ceremony last night. She completed her first book and received a little stuffed Cubbie bear for her uniform vest. She is getting ready for her ballet recital performance on the 16th.
Princess M
Three of her four eyeteeth have officially erupted. I'm hoping this means better nights. She has discovered that jumping is a lot of fun and she spends many hours jumping on the floor, trying to jump on the couch and jumping in her crib if I don't get her out right away. She has also, finally, picked up the signs for Please and Thank you. But, she is also trying to say some words as well. Her oldest sister had a large vocabulary already at this stage, but I'm not worried about it. Her oldest sister also learned how to say NO at an early age and we've had a hard time since. Maybe we'll get a few more months in the NO-free zone.
TOG Y1R U4 Week 29
This week should, potentially, be an easier week. The older two princesses are in the final stretch of preparing for their spring piano recital. Princess L is preparing for a ballet performance at a local Christian bookstore, and Princess M is preparing for her four eyeteeth to break through any day now. (Please LORD, let it be any day soon.)
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 7.1 through 7.4
Math : Test for lesson 1e, lesson 19 and starting lesson 20 if there is time.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), Vacation Under the Volcano
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lessons 92 through 98
Math: Test for Lesson 29, start lesson 30
TOG: Same as above
Reading assignments: Classical Kids, Who Were the Romans?, Brave Cloelia
Princess L
I am debating starting Math U See Primer with her. She loves to play with the blocks like legos. She also loves to count and color. I just am not sure whether we should start before our six week summer break. Decisions, decisions. I did purchase My Father's World Kindergarten to start with her in the fall. She will only be 4 1/2. I started Princess S at 4 1/2, however, I had one less child to deal with, and less attitude to deal with. So I think I'll spread this out over two years.
Princess M
Same old, same old. Life must be fairly boring for her now as we reach our homestretch.
We will be taking the CAT test soon. I have the tests in my possession, but have to look through them and decide how to administer two of them. This is the first year Princess S has to take it. And with her ADD tendencies, it could make for an interesting ride.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 7.1 through 7.4
Math : Test for lesson 1e, lesson 19 and starting lesson 20 if there is time.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), Vacation Under the Volcano
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lessons 92 through 98
Math: Test for Lesson 29, start lesson 30
TOG: Same as above
Reading assignments: Classical Kids, Who Were the Romans?, Brave Cloelia
Princess L
I am debating starting Math U See Primer with her. She loves to play with the blocks like legos. She also loves to count and color. I just am not sure whether we should start before our six week summer break. Decisions, decisions. I did purchase My Father's World Kindergarten to start with her in the fall. She will only be 4 1/2. I started Princess S at 4 1/2, however, I had one less child to deal with, and less attitude to deal with. So I think I'll spread this out over two years.
Princess M
Same old, same old. Life must be fairly boring for her now as we reach our homestretch.
We will be taking the CAT test soon. I have the tests in my possession, but have to look through them and decide how to administer two of them. This is the first year Princess S has to take it. And with her ADD tendencies, it could make for an interesting ride.
TOG Y1R U4 Week 28
I know, I know. The week is over and I'm just posting this now. We had a lot going on this week. We had a field trip on Tuesday. And Princess L was trying to pull out the extension cord that our laptop was plugged into. It fell. Thankfully the important part - the data, the hard drive, the other stuff - is okay. But, the hinge for the screen on the lefthand side is broken. Plus, Princess M got the laptop when Princess E left it open on the coffee table and pulled off several keys. We don't have an X key currently. We need to replace these, but not sure when that will happen. Our other computer, our desktop, which is the one the girls usually use, has an obscure virus affecting the ability to pull up the internet. It was treated once by our internet provider, but they told us the chances that the entire virus was wiped out was slim. Sure enough, four weeks later it's back. So the only computer we can access the internet from is the laptop. That is the computer that our TOG DE is loaded on. My Homeschool Tracker Plus is on there as well, with all their assignments. To have it gone for several days will be a big problem. We're trying to put it off as long as possible.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 6.8 through Chapter 6 review
Math : Because of all the work on drill sheets, we are speeding through several lessons. So this week will be lesson 17 and 18 - except for the test, which will be next week.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), Vacation Under the Volcano
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lessons 82-91
Math: Lesson 29
TOG: Same as above
Reading assignments: Classical Kids, Going to War in Roman Times, Who Were the Romans?, Brave Cloelia
Princess L
This little princess learned to ride her big girl bike with training wheels. I sent her outside with Princess E and told her to teach her. She couldn't figure out how to start out or break. Now, she wants to ride up and down the sidewalk all the time.
Princess M
Now that she has experienced Spring, she wants to be outside all the time too. Our cat sits in front of the door and meows until someone lets him out. I think this little princess has picked up on that, because she just walks up to the doors and cries. Can't just let her out though.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: Lesson 6.8 through Chapter 6 review
Math : Because of all the work on drill sheets, we are speeding through several lessons. So this week will be lesson 17 and 18 - except for the test, which will be next week.
TOG: vocab, geography map, important people copywork, Student Activity Pages, prayer letters
Reading assignments: Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Famous Men of Rome (selections), Vacation Under the Volcano
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lessons 82-91
Math: Lesson 29
TOG: Same as above
Reading assignments: Classical Kids, Going to War in Roman Times, Who Were the Romans?, Brave Cloelia
Princess L
This little princess learned to ride her big girl bike with training wheels. I sent her outside with Princess E and told her to teach her. She couldn't figure out how to start out or break. Now, she wants to ride up and down the sidewalk all the time.
Princess M
Now that she has experienced Spring, she wants to be outside all the time too. Our cat sits in front of the door and meows until someone lets him out. I think this little princess has picked up on that, because she just walks up to the doors and cries. Can't just let her out though.
Field Trip
Our homeschool group took a field trip to KTIS radio. It was fun! We got to meet several of the radio personalities, as well as see the behind the scenes work that goes into radio. The large wall of computers in a environmentally controlled room was neat. The kids even got to record little blurbs for an advertisement. We're hoping to hear it played today or tomorrow. Lisa Barry was on the air at the time and she came out and talked to us about how she got involved in radio. She gave the kids each a signed picture. Here is our whole group in front of the reception desk.

Final Week of Break
Well, we are on our third and final week of our break. It's really a break from most of our school work, although we are doing some science. Our plans have changed quite a bit from how it was originally supposed to be.
We were supposed to drive to Minot, ND for my Grandmother's 90th birthday. But the same day we were to drive through Fargo, the Red River was cresting and an early spring blizzard had all roads within an hour of Minot completely closed. So, we decided to reschedule our trip to June. If we run into the same problem then it should be proof to all that global warming is a hoax!
This past weekend I attended the MACHE conference, our state's homeschool convention. It was tiring, but good. I heard Michael Ferris talk about the ParentalRights.org PAC that he has started. If you haven't heard of it, make sure you go here to find out about it. And sign the petition while you are there.
Princess L and her sisters were invited to a birthday party for a girl in her ballet class. It was a cheerleading party. They had a blast.
This week we have a full agenda lined up, starting with getting Princess S's glasses fixed. She doesn't know what happened, but they sit so crooked that I cannot even look at her any more without getting dizzy myself. Princess L's ballet class is having family day tomorrow, so all her sisters will get a chance to join her in class. Should be interesting.
We were supposed to drive to Minot, ND for my Grandmother's 90th birthday. But the same day we were to drive through Fargo, the Red River was cresting and an early spring blizzard had all roads within an hour of Minot completely closed. So, we decided to reschedule our trip to June. If we run into the same problem then it should be proof to all that global warming is a hoax!
This past weekend I attended the MACHE conference, our state's homeschool convention. It was tiring, but good. I heard Michael Ferris talk about the ParentalRights.org PAC that he has started. If you haven't heard of it, make sure you go here to find out about it. And sign the petition while you are there.
Princess L and her sisters were invited to a birthday party for a girl in her ballet class. It was a cheerleading party. They had a blast.
This week we have a full agenda lined up, starting with getting Princess S's glasses fixed. She doesn't know what happened, but they sit so crooked that I cannot even look at her any more without getting dizzy myself. Princess L's ballet class is having family day tomorrow, so all her sisters will get a chance to join her in class. Should be interesting.
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