
TOG Y1r U3 W24

Last week was a looooooong week. My ADDish Princess took until Sunday evening to finish her schoolwork for the week. Here is what we have coming up this week.

Princess E
Growing With Grammar: 5.5 to 5.8
Math - continue with multiplication drills, time is picking up as is accuracy but we're working for finishing in 7 minutes or less with less than three mistakes
Handwriting - three pages
Writing - newspaper article
Map, SAPs, History Response pages, important people copywork, Quizlet vocab
Reading: Usbourne Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Ancient Greek War and Weapons (assuming it comes in via ILL), Pegasus, Ancient Greece 40 Hands on activities (excerpts)

Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lesson Review 3 through lesson 54
Math U See Beta: Lesson 26
Handwriting, Writing, Map, SAPs, History Response pages, important people copywork, Quizlet vocab.
Reading: Unwitting Wisdom, Classical Kids (excerpts), Ancient Greece

I'm not sure where to go with Princess L. I'm working on researching a wide variety of phonics programs. Not sure what is going to work. Pray that the right program will become obvious to me.

Princess M is getting closer to transitioning to one nap a day from two. As long as she sleeps for two and a half hours, then it will work. Any less and she is just so cranky by the time Dad gets home at 7pm. Plus she is still waking at night thinking she needs to eat. I make her wait 8 hours from when she went to sleep, but that still puts me up at 4am most nights. Too early.

We have co-op on Friday. I'm teaching the preschool group again and we're looking at the first half of the alphabet. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Lakeville Vertical said...

Have you ever looked at the website Starfall? I used it with Mara and now Ian. It's fun for the kids and if she can navigate a computer it's easy to let them do on their own for a while. Good luck with Princess L. She's a cutie!