Last week was a looooooong week. My ADDish Princess took until Sunday evening to finish her schoolwork for the week. Here is what we have coming up this week.
Princess E
Growing With Grammar: 5.5 to 5.8
Math - continue with multiplication drills, time is picking up as is accuracy but we're working for finishing in 7 minutes or less with less than three mistakes
Handwriting - three pages
Writing - newspaper article
Map, SAPs, History Response pages, important people copywork, Quizlet vocab
Reading: Usbourne Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Ancient Greek War and Weapons (assuming it comes in via ILL), Pegasus, Ancient Greece 40 Hands on activities (excerpts)
Princess S
Growing With Grammar: Lesson Review 3 through lesson 54
Math U See Beta: Lesson 26
Handwriting, Writing, Map, SAPs, History Response pages, important people copywork, Quizlet vocab.
Reading: Unwitting Wisdom, Classical Kids (excerpts), Ancient Greece
I'm not sure where to go with Princess L. I'm working on researching a wide variety of phonics programs. Not sure what is going to work. Pray that the right program will become obvious to me.
Princess M is getting closer to transitioning to one nap a day from two. As long as she sleeps for two and a half hours, then it will work. Any less and she is just so cranky by the time Dad gets home at 7pm. Plus she is still waking at night thinking she needs to eat. I make her wait 8 hours from when she went to sleep, but that still puts me up at 4am most nights. Too early.
We have co-op on Friday. I'm teaching the preschool group again and we're looking at the first half of the alphabet. Should be fun.
TOG Y1r U3 W23
This will be a shortened week time wise, but not work wise. Dad has the day off for President's Day on Monday. If the princesses want time with him, then they will have to hit the books hard to finish their work first. I gave them their assignments and told them to work on Monday's work over the weekend, but as of right now, 4:00pm on Sunday afternoon, they have yet to do that. They do not learn from past mistakes very quickly. Also, we have been invited to see a play on Friday. We will see The Miracle Worker. We are going with our current Pastor's family and our former Pastor's family. Here's the assignments for the week:
Princess E
Bible: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Geography: mapping the Persian Empire under King Darius
Growing with Grammar: 5.1 through 5.4
Math - continuing multiplication drill sheets and starting some flash cards
Writing - continuing with newspaper writing
Reading: What the Bible is All About (excerpts), Usborne Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Jewish Holidays all Year Round (Purim sections)
Princess S
Bible and Geography - same as above
Growing with Grammar: lessons 28-45 and Review sections
Math U See Beta: finish lesson 24, test 24 and start lesson 25
Reading: Old Testament Days (excerpts), Celebrate Jewish Holidays (Purim section)
Princess L
100 Easy Lessons - we're up to about lesson 12 but she is becoming very antagonistic about doing this. We will only do one or two lessons a week until decide where to go next. I plan to research some reading programs so that I can perhaps make some decisions before the MACHE conference in April. I do have the Math U See Primer book. I might just start this with her soon as she loves to "play with the blocks like sissies do." I am considering purchasing one of these in an effort to save money. I would have the bindings taken off the books and then slip the pages in. I could then re-use the pages with Princess M someday. I think I could do that with Primer, Alpha and perhaps Beta. After that I would have to decide. Math U See is changing their book layouts, which make them more convenient to be able to use a system like this, especially since their books will cost more money. The only question I have is for the later books, there isn't a lot of room to write and my oldest two princesses seem to write their numbers quite large.
Princess E
Bible: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Geography: mapping the Persian Empire under King Darius
Growing with Grammar: 5.1 through 5.4
Math - continuing multiplication drill sheets and starting some flash cards
Writing - continuing with newspaper writing
Reading: What the Bible is All About (excerpts), Usborne Ancient Worlds (excerpts), Jewish Holidays all Year Round (Purim sections)
Princess S
Bible and Geography - same as above
Growing with Grammar: lessons 28-45 and Review sections
Math U See Beta: finish lesson 24, test 24 and start lesson 25
Reading: Old Testament Days (excerpts), Celebrate Jewish Holidays (Purim section)
Princess L
100 Easy Lessons - we're up to about lesson 12 but she is becoming very antagonistic about doing this. We will only do one or two lessons a week until decide where to go next. I plan to research some reading programs so that I can perhaps make some decisions before the MACHE conference in April. I do have the Math U See Primer book. I might just start this with her soon as she loves to "play with the blocks like sissies do." I am considering purchasing one of these in an effort to save money. I would have the bindings taken off the books and then slip the pages in. I could then re-use the pages with Princess M someday. I think I could do that with Primer, Alpha and perhaps Beta. After that I would have to decide. Math U See is changing their book layouts, which make them more convenient to be able to use a system like this, especially since their books will cost more money. The only question I have is for the later books, there isn't a lot of room to write and my oldest two princesses seem to write their numbers quite large.
TOG Y1r U3 W22
Princess E and Princess S played in a piano festival this past Saturday. They have to play two memorized songs for a judge, and are given points from 1 to 5, 5 being the best. When they earn 15 points, they win a trophy. Princess E has participated in two of these before and went into this with 10 points accumulated. She did wonderful and scored another 5, so she will receive her trophy at the spring piano recital. Princess S was extremely nervous for her first time in the festival. She stopped after two measures, looked over at me and said, "I forgot." I told her to take a deep breath and to start over. Then she was fine and got through both of the other songs just fine. She scored a 5. We are so proud of them. We told them it is not about the score, but about doing their best and learning to perform through the nervousness.
Princess E
Bible - selections from Isaiah, 2 Kings, Jeremiah and Daniel
Growing with Grammar - 4.13 through Chapter 4 review
Math - drill sheets for multiplication
Reading - selections from What the Bible is all About for Young Explorers
Handwriting - pg 2-4
Princess S
Bible and Handwriting - same
Math U See - Beta lesson 24
Growing with Grammar - lesson 28 - lesson 37
Princess L
Continuing with 100 Easy Lessons
We are finished with Donna Young handwriting. We did all the sheets online currently. So we are going to start A Celebration of Christian Character Cursive from Light Home Publications. You can get this from CurrClick.
Princess E
Bible - selections from Isaiah, 2 Kings, Jeremiah and Daniel
Growing with Grammar - 4.13 through Chapter 4 review
Math - drill sheets for multiplication
Reading - selections from What the Bible is all About for Young Explorers
Handwriting - pg 2-4
Princess S
Bible and Handwriting - same
Math U See - Beta lesson 24
Growing with Grammar - lesson 28 - lesson 37
Princess L
Continuing with 100 Easy Lessons
We are finished with Donna Young handwriting. We did all the sheets online currently. So we are going to start A Celebration of Christian Character Cursive from Light Home Publications. You can get this from CurrClick.
TOG Y1r U3 W21
This week we add the final item to fill up our second quarter schedule. Princess L is taking a 13 week ballet course called "The Princess Adventure." The teacher is a wonderful Christian woman - Miss Karen - who teaches the girls how to worship the LORD through dance. We decided to give her this class as a birthday present. We also gave her pink ballet shoes which she is so excited about. The class will be every Monday for 13 weeks. It will be hardest on Princess M, who is still taking a morning nap most days, but will no longer on Mondays.
Princess E
Bible - Amos and Jonah
Growing With Grammar - Lesson 4.9 to 4.12
Math drill sheets - 5 minute drill with multiplication facts
Writing - newspaper articles
Reading - What the Bible is all about (Excerpts), Life in Ancient Mesopotamia (excerpts)
mapping, handwriting, vocabulary, SAPs
Princess S
Bible - Amos and Jonah
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 21-30 (she has worked ahead a little and already has the first two of these done)
Math U See - Beta Lesson 23E and F and test
Writing - newspaper articles
mapping, handwriting, vocabulary SAPs
Princess L
This little one has me stumped. She is really struggling with 100 Easy Lessons. The thing is that she knows all her letter sounds. Point to a letter, she can tell you the name and the sound. But, she is having a hard time saying the sounds in combinations and in repeating after me. 100 Easy Lessons has the child repeating words said very slowly, then repeated fast. They also repeat rhyming patterns. She has a very hard time saying certain sounds. And the odd thing is, she sound like she has a New York accent. A friend of mine said that her very auditory son has the same issue, right down to the accent. He is not a strong reader as a result. She suggested the Explore the Code series. I will look into it. She also mentioned another program, though it is for older kids so may not be appropriate yet. I pulled out the first book in the Bob Books series for her, but quickly put it away as one of the sounds she has problems with is switching the t and d sounds. Those are the first ending sounds in the first few books, so I'm just going to forget them for now.
On Saturday, Princess E and Princess S have to play two piano songs for the MMTA piano festival. This is Princess E's third year, and if she earns a 5 out of 5 she can earn a trophy. This has been her goal. I told her that they are going to be a lot tougher on her this year. This is Princess S's first festival. The songs that she has had memorized for weeks are starting to slip through her memory. She could not play one of them at all for Grandma this weekend. Please pray that she won't be nervous and that she will remember both of her songs, as she cannot use music for the festival songs - the judges have it at their table.
Princess E
Bible - Amos and Jonah
Growing With Grammar - Lesson 4.9 to 4.12
Math drill sheets - 5 minute drill with multiplication facts
Writing - newspaper articles
Reading - What the Bible is all about (Excerpts), Life in Ancient Mesopotamia (excerpts)
mapping, handwriting, vocabulary, SAPs
Princess S
Bible - Amos and Jonah
Growing With Grammar - Lessons 21-30 (she has worked ahead a little and already has the first two of these done)
Math U See - Beta Lesson 23E and F and test
Writing - newspaper articles
mapping, handwriting, vocabulary SAPs
Princess L
This little one has me stumped. She is really struggling with 100 Easy Lessons. The thing is that she knows all her letter sounds. Point to a letter, she can tell you the name and the sound. But, she is having a hard time saying the sounds in combinations and in repeating after me. 100 Easy Lessons has the child repeating words said very slowly, then repeated fast. They also repeat rhyming patterns. She has a very hard time saying certain sounds. And the odd thing is, she sound like she has a New York accent. A friend of mine said that her very auditory son has the same issue, right down to the accent. He is not a strong reader as a result. She suggested the Explore the Code series. I will look into it. She also mentioned another program, though it is for older kids so may not be appropriate yet. I pulled out the first book in the Bob Books series for her, but quickly put it away as one of the sounds she has problems with is switching the t and d sounds. Those are the first ending sounds in the first few books, so I'm just going to forget them for now.
On Saturday, Princess E and Princess S have to play two piano songs for the MMTA piano festival. This is Princess E's third year, and if she earns a 5 out of 5 she can earn a trophy. This has been her goal. I told her that they are going to be a lot tougher on her this year. This is Princess S's first festival. The songs that she has had memorized for weeks are starting to slip through her memory. She could not play one of them at all for Grandma this weekend. Please pray that she won't be nervous and that she will remember both of her songs, as she cannot use music for the festival songs - the judges have it at their table.
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