I realize it’s been a while since I posted. Let’s just say we’ve had a couple of those “anything that can go wrong did go wrong weeks”. It included three days of Princess S on the couch with a high fever. Definitely not weeks I want to relive anytime soon.
Princess M has been moving right along in Little Hearts. She just began Unit Six. We have learned about the Israelites in Egypt. She made an Egyptian necklace that she was quite fond of.

Then we talked about the Exodus out of Egypt. Her favorite part of this unit was the Rhyme in Motion section for God Sent Ten. She thought using her fingers to count ten was great fun. I saw big improvements over the many days we did the rhyme in her finger dexterity. Another craft she enjoyed was making a quail, which was the meat of choice for the Israelites on their Exodus.

We have just finished up the book about Reddy Fox. She amazed me with her ability to recall what was read in the story even though there were not very many pictures at all. She is excited to begin our new book.
Her final favorite activity was making edible peanut butter play dough. As a surprise to me, however, she had no interest in eating it! She had to make Balaam’s donkey. She had no clue what to do, so I suggested we approach it like a snowman. This was what we came up with.

In math, she has whizzed through to lesson 11. She learned about place value very quickly and had fun creating the numbers with the math blocks, and using index cards to label what number was created. The “t’s” and the hundreds were learned, and she is getting better at remembering to count from the right and read from the left. (As a leftie, she is constantly getting that backwards.)

Her reading is coming along quite nicely. Currently, we are 2/3 of the way through lesson 12. She has learned all of the short vowel sounds and is working on reading words, phrases and sentences with all of the vowels present on the list. She has had difficulty with u/o and e/a. She will mispronounce the u as an o and the e as an a almost every time. I finally told her that if she sees the letter u or e in the middle, that she should hide the first letter and sound out the last two letters first, adding in the first letter at the end. That seems to work, however, I’m concerned about moving forward with that strategy. She can recognize when I mispronounce it, but not when she does it. I’m hoping that will come in time. We are working on the lesson 12 fluency page. It is taking a lot longer than the others, but she is determined to get through it so she can put another sticker on the chart.
On her own one day, Princess M decided to do an art project. She created a still life scene (as she has seen Princess S do occasionally,) and proceeded to draw what she saw. We were all impressed! This example shows what mirror writing is to a leftie.

Here’s a close up of her drawing. Notice the fancy lettering.

Finally, Princess M hit a big milestone on November 9th – she turned one whole hand! The day started by going to the mall and getting her ears pierced. She didn’t even shed a tear.

Later that night, she opened her big gift from Nanny – my mom. She got a Molly American Girl doll. Mom has great luck at antique stores, so this doll is getting a chance to be loved by a second little girl.

Then last Friday, we took Princess M, Princess L, and three of Princess M’s friends to the American Girl Bistro for an afternoon tea. They had great fun! Everyone dressed up and brought a doll along, who was served from doll sized plates and cups, while we enjoyed fruit kabobs, finger sandwiches, cake pops, and cupcakes. Here are a few pictures.

We will be taking the week off of school for Thanksgiving. We have a few fun activities planned, but mostly we will be enjoying our time off.